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12 items found in collection [showing 1 - 12]
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Indulgent Parenting and the Life Satisfaction of College Students
Indulgent Parenting and the Life Satisfaction of College Students
Great Expectations
Great Expectations
Family Financial Socialization in Black Families
Family Financial Socialization in Black Families
Daily Consumption of Prunes and Cardiovascular Health in Older Men
Daily Consumption of Prunes and Cardiovascular Health in Older Men
Relationship among Dairy Foods Intake, Cardiovascular Disease Indicators and Bone Health in Community Dwelling Mid-Life and Older African Americans
Relationship among Dairy Foods Intake, Cardiovascular Disease Indicators and Bone Health in Community Dwelling Mid-Life and Older African Americans
Egg Consumption Positively Affect Glycemic Control and Insulin Sensitivity in Individuals with Pre- and Type II- Diabetes
Egg Consumption Positively Affect Glycemic Control and Insulin Sensitivity in Individuals with Pre- and Type II- Diabetes
Using Computer-Mediated Communication to Reduce Loneliness in Older Adults
Using Computer-Mediated Communication to Reduce Loneliness in Older Adults
Faith, Hope, and Love
Faith, Hope, and Love
Vicarious Race-Based Stress
Vicarious Race-Based Stress
Effects of a Short-Term Intervention for Adolescents in Juvenile Justice and Their Families
Effects of a Short-Term Intervention for Adolescents in Juvenile Justice and Their Families
Dietary Calcium-to-Protein Ratio and Vitamin D Influence on Calcitropic Hormones, Adiposity, Adipokines, and Lipidemia in Caucasian and African American Postmenopausal          Women Utilizing SEM Analysis
Dietary Calcium-to-Protein Ratio and Vitamin D Influence on Calcitropic Hormones, Adiposity, Adipokines, and Lipidemia in Caucasian and African American Postmenopausal Women Utilizing SEM Analysis
Ice Cream Sweetened with a Fructan-Rich Minimally Processed Syrup
Ice Cream Sweetened with a Fructan-Rich Minimally Processed Syrup