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32 items found in collection [showing 1 - 32]
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Modeling Snow Aggregates and Their Single Scattering Properties
Modeling Snow Aggregates and Their Single Scattering Properties
Superensemble Forecasts of Hurricane Track and Intensity Using a Suite of Mesoscale Models
Superensemble Forecasts of Hurricane Track and Intensity Using a Suite of Mesoscale Models
Development of a New Storm Surge Index for Global Prediction of Tropical Cyclone Generated Storm Surge
Development of a New Storm Surge Index for Global Prediction of Tropical Cyclone Generated Storm Surge
Surface Heating and Restratification of the Ocean after a Tropical Cyclone
Surface Heating and Restratification of the Ocean after a Tropical Cyclone
Characterizing the Variability of the Indian Monsoon
Characterizing the Variability of the Indian Monsoon
Examination of Tropical Cyclone Evolution Using Curvature Vorticity and Shear Vorticity
Examination of Tropical Cyclone Evolution Using Curvature Vorticity and Shear Vorticity
Developing Statistical Guidance for Forecasting the Amount of Warm Season Afternoon and Evening Lightning in South Florida
Developing Statistical Guidance for Forecasting the Amount of Warm Season Afternoon and Evening Lightning in South Florida
Community Science
Community Science
Comparison of ECMWF and Quikscat-Derived Surface Pressure Gradients
Comparison of ECMWF and Quikscat-Derived Surface Pressure Gradients
Improving Hurricane Intensity Forecasts in a Mesoscale Model via Microphysical          Parameterization Methods
Improving Hurricane Intensity Forecasts in a Mesoscale Model via Microphysical Parameterization Methods
Storm-Relative Eulerian Absolute Angular Momentum Tendency in Atlantic Tropical Cyclones
Storm-Relative Eulerian Absolute Angular Momentum Tendency in Atlantic Tropical Cyclones
Microwave Radiative Transfer Modeling of Ice in the Atmosphere
Microwave Radiative Transfer Modeling of Ice in the Atmosphere
Climate Feedback Analysis of the GFDL IPCC AR4 Global Warming Simulation
Climate Feedback Analysis of the GFDL IPCC AR4 Global Warming Simulation
Mesoscale Superensemble Forecasts with a Suite of Models over the Continental United States and North America
Mesoscale Superensemble Forecasts with a Suite of Models over the Continental United States and North America
Quasi-Lagrangian Sampling of Air Pollution by Aircraft during the Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment Phase B
Quasi-Lagrangian Sampling of Air Pollution by Aircraft during the Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment Phase B
Thermodynamic Evolution of Recurving Tropical Cyclone Bonnie (1998)
Thermodynamic Evolution of Recurving Tropical Cyclone Bonnie (1998)
Utility of the ERA40 Cyclone Phase Space in Trend Diagnosis and North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Reanalysis
Utility of the ERA40 Cyclone Phase Space in Trend Diagnosis and North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Reanalysis
Evaluation of Surface Heat Flux Uncertainties and Their Impacts on the Study of Ocean Mixed Layer Temperature Variability
Evaluation of Surface Heat Flux Uncertainties and Their Impacts on the Study of Ocean Mixed Layer Temperature Variability
Effects of ENSO, NAO (PVO), and PDO on Monthly Extreme Temperatures and Precipitation
Effects of ENSO, NAO (PVO), and PDO on Monthly Extreme Temperatures and Precipitation
Developing a Statistical Forecast Model for Initiating Lightning over West Texas and          New Mexico
Developing a Statistical Forecast Model for Initiating Lightning over West Texas and New Mexico
Variability of Intraseasonal Precipitation Extremes Associated with ENSO in          Panama
Variability of Intraseasonal Precipitation Extremes Associated with ENSO in Panama
Lightning Observations during Tropical Cyclone Intensity Change
Lightning Observations during Tropical Cyclone Intensity Change
Assessing the Potential Impact of Gifts Data to Severe Convective Precipitation          Prediction
Assessing the Potential Impact of Gifts Data to Severe Convective Precipitation Prediction
Generation of an Empirical Soil Moisture Initialization and Its Potential Impact on Subseasonal Forecasting Skill of Continental Precipitation and Air          Temperature
Generation of an Empirical Soil Moisture Initialization and Its Potential Impact on Subseasonal Forecasting Skill of Continental Precipitation and Air Temperature
Study of the Probability of Clear Line of Sight Through Single-Layer Cumulus Cloud Fields in the Tropical Western Pacific
Study of the Probability of Clear Line of Sight Through Single-Layer Cumulus Cloud Fields in the Tropical Western Pacific
Impact of an Out of School Environmental Education Program on Student Understanding of the Longleaf Pine Ecosystem
Impact of an Out of School Environmental Education Program on Student Understanding of the Longleaf Pine Ecosystem
Spatial Filter Approach to Determining the Role of Convection on the Evolution of a Mesoscale Vortex
Spatial Filter Approach to Determining the Role of Convection on the Evolution of a Mesoscale Vortex
Improved Vegetation Characterization and Freeze Statistics in a Regional Spectral Model for the Florida Citrus Farming Region
Improved Vegetation Characterization and Freeze Statistics in a Regional Spectral Model for the Florida Citrus Farming Region
Preliminary Steps Towards Improving Short-Term QPF Using Airs Observations Through 4D-Var Data Assimilation
Preliminary Steps Towards Improving Short-Term QPF Using Airs Observations Through 4D-Var Data Assimilation
Examination of Summertime Transport Processes during Intex-A Using Meteorological Analyses and Synthetic Mopitt Carbon Monoxide Retrievals
Examination of Summertime Transport Processes during Intex-A Using Meteorological Analyses and Synthetic Mopitt Carbon Monoxide Retrievals
Development of a Regional Lightning Nox Parameterization for the Weather and Research Forecast Chemistry Model
Development of a Regional Lightning Nox Parameterization for the Weather and Research Forecast Chemistry Model
Hydrological Budgets of Landfalling Tropical Cyclones
Hydrological Budgets of Landfalling Tropical Cyclones