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19 items found in collection [showing 1 - 19]
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Meaning in Life in College Student Veterans
Meaning in Life in College Student Veterans
Relationship Among Career Anchors, Negative Career Thoughts, Vocational Identity, and Hope in Freelance Production Crew for Film and Television
Relationship Among Career Anchors, Negative Career Thoughts, Vocational Identity, and Hope in Freelance Production Crew for Film and Television
Relationship among First-Generation College Student Status and Resilience, Social Support, Perceived Barriers, and Negative Career Thoughts
Relationship among First-Generation College Student Status and Resilience, Social Support, Perceived Barriers, and Negative Career Thoughts
Relationship among Dysfunctional Career Thoughts, Interest Profile Elevation, and Ability Self-Estimates
Relationship among Dysfunctional Career Thoughts, Interest Profile Elevation, and Ability Self-Estimates
Theoretical Model for the Exploration of Meaning in Vocation
Theoretical Model for the Exploration of Meaning in Vocation
Exploring the Impact of a Career Development Intervention on the Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy and Goal Instability of First Generation College Students, Given Perceived Barriers
Exploring the Impact of a Career Development Intervention on the Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy and Goal Instability of First Generation College Students, Given Perceived Barriers
Change Management in Business
Change Management in Business
Goal Instability in Relation to Career Thoughts, Career Decision State, and Performance          in a Career Development Course
Goal Instability in Relation to Career Thoughts, Career Decision State, and Performance in a Career Development Course
Dysfunctional Career Thinking as a Predictor of Depression and Hopelessness in Students Seeking Career Services
Dysfunctional Career Thinking as a Predictor of Depression and Hopelessness in Students Seeking Career Services
Client Motivation, Working Alliance and the Use of Homework in Psychotherapy
Client Motivation, Working Alliance and the Use of Homework in Psychotherapy
Survey of the Methods and Processes Involved in Interventions with ADHD Clients from a Psychologist and ADHD Coach Perspective
Survey of the Methods and Processes Involved in Interventions with ADHD Clients from a Psychologist and ADHD Coach Perspective
Help-Seeking Attitudes and Behaviors of Graduate Psychology Students
Help-Seeking Attitudes and Behaviors of Graduate Psychology Students
Self-Directed Search Interest Profile Elevation, Big Five Personality Factors, and Interest Secondary Constructs in a College Career Course
Self-Directed Search Interest Profile Elevation, Big Five Personality Factors, and Interest Secondary Constructs in a College Career Course
Counseling Center Outreach and Its Relationship Between Help Seeking Behavior and Suicidality
Counseling Center Outreach and Its Relationship Between Help Seeking Behavior and Suicidality
Relationships Among Neuroticism, Dysfunctional Career Thoughts, and Coping Strategies
Relationships Among Neuroticism, Dysfunctional Career Thoughts, and Coping Strategies
Maladaptive Cognitive Schemas as Mediators Between Perfectionism and Psychological Distress
Maladaptive Cognitive Schemas as Mediators Between Perfectionism and Psychological Distress
Relationships among Personality Factors, Negative Career Thoughts, and Profile Elevation
Relationships among Personality Factors, Negative Career Thoughts, and Profile Elevation
Connection Between Psychopathology and Dysfunctional Career Thoughts
Connection Between Psychopathology and Dysfunctional Career Thoughts
Gender Differences in Post-Trauma Symptoms and Trauma-Related Treatment Referrals in Juvenile Offenders
Gender Differences in Post-Trauma Symptoms and Trauma-Related Treatment Referrals in Juvenile Offenders