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4 items found in collection [showing 1 - 4]
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Optimizing MPI Point-to-Point Communication Performance on RDMA-Enabled SMP-CMP Clusters
Optimizing MPI Point-to-Point Communication Performance on RDMA-Enabled SMP-CMP Clusters
Probabilistic and Graphical Analysis of Evidence in O.J. Simpson's Murder Case Using Bayesian Networks
Probabilistic and Graphical Analysis of Evidence in O.J. Simpson's Murder Case Using Bayesian Networks
Understanding and Assessing Functional Motivations to Episodic Volunteers in Arts Organizations
Understanding and Assessing Functional Motivations to Episodic Volunteers in Arts Organizations
Proposing a Theoretical Framework for Digital Age Youth Information Behavior Building Upon Radical Change Theory
Proposing a Theoretical Framework for Digital Age Youth Information Behavior Building Upon Radical Change Theory