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9 items found in collection [showing 1 - 9]
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Can Playing a Video Game Foster Computational Thinking Skills?
Can Playing a Video Game Foster Computational Thinking Skills?
Embedding Learning Supports in Games to Promote Computational Thinking Skills
Embedding Learning Supports in Games to Promote Computational Thinking Skills
Boon or Bane?
Boon or Bane?
Improving Critical Thinking Skills Development in a University Classroom
Improving Critical Thinking Skills Development in a University Classroom
Impact of Playing Function Fighters
Impact of Playing Function Fighters
Assessing Job Negotiation Competencies of College Students Using Evidence-Centered Design and Branching Simulations
Assessing Job Negotiation Competencies of College Students Using Evidence-Centered Design and Branching Simulations
Improving Undergraduates' Problem-Solving Skills through Video Gameplay
Improving Undergraduates' Problem-Solving Skills through Video Gameplay
To Help, or Not to Help?
To Help, or Not to Help?
Inspire, Instruct, or Both?
Inspire, Instruct, or Both?