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17 items found in collection [showing 1 - 17]
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Behavioral and Neural Characterization of Conditioned Flavor-Taste Preferences
Behavioral and Neural Characterization of Conditioned Flavor-Taste Preferences
Why Dominant Individuals Cooperate — Fitness Consequences of Cooperative Courtship in a System with Variable Cooperative Display Coalitions
Why Dominant Individuals Cooperate — Fitness Consequences of Cooperative Courtship in a System with Variable Cooperative Display Coalitions
Role of Evolution in Maintaining Coexistence of Competitors
Role of Evolution in Maintaining Coexistence of Competitors
Population Genetics of Pseudacris Feriarum
Population Genetics of Pseudacris Feriarum
Phylogeny and Historical Biogeography of Hadrosaurid Dinosaurs
Phylogeny and Historical Biogeography of Hadrosaurid Dinosaurs
Influence of Correlated Traits in the Process of Reproductive Character Displacement in the Upland Chorus Frog, Pseudacris feriarum
Influence of Correlated Traits in the Process of Reproductive Character Displacement in the Upland Chorus Frog, Pseudacris feriarum
Ecomorphological Analysis of the Feeding Mechanism in the Cownose Ray (Rhinoptera Bonasus, Mitchill 1815)
Ecomorphological Analysis of the Feeding Mechanism in the Cownose Ray (Rhinoptera Bonasus, Mitchill 1815)
Biomechanical Evolution of Mammalian Prismatic Enamel with Potential Application to Biomimetic Ceramic Development
Biomechanical Evolution of Mammalian Prismatic Enamel with Potential Application to Biomimetic Ceramic Development
View of Rhynchosporeae (Cyperaceae) Diversification before and after the Application of Anchored Phylogenomics Across the                 Angiosperms
View of Rhynchosporeae (Cyperaceae) Diversification before and after the Application of Anchored Phylogenomics Across the Angiosperms
Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation of the Pine Barrens Treefrog (Hyla andersonii)
Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation of the Pine Barrens Treefrog (Hyla andersonii)
Ontogeny of Cranial Morphology in Extant Crocodilians and Its Phylogenetic Utility
Ontogeny of Cranial Morphology in Extant Crocodilians and Its Phylogenetic Utility
Phylogenetic Character Analysis of Crocodylian Enamel Microstructure and Its Relevance to Biomechanical Performance
Phylogenetic Character Analysis of Crocodylian Enamel Microstructure and Its Relevance to Biomechanical Performance
Evolution of the Material Properties of Mineralized Dental Tissues
Evolution of the Material Properties of Mineralized Dental Tissues
Patterns of Bacterial Community Variation across Anatomical, Geographical, and Genetic Distance in Florida Mangroves
Patterns of Bacterial Community Variation across Anatomical, Geographical, and Genetic Distance in Florida Mangroves
Refined Approaches to Improving Efforts to Conserve Plant Biodiversity
Refined Approaches to Improving Efforts to Conserve Plant Biodiversity
Evolution of Host Associations in Symbiotic Zoanthidea
Evolution of Host Associations in Symbiotic Zoanthidea
Comparison of Invasive and Noninvasive Commelinaceae in a Phylogentic Context
Comparison of Invasive and Noninvasive Commelinaceae in a Phylogentic Context