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43 items found in collection [showing 1 - 43]
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Beneficial Role of External Focus
Beneficial Role of External Focus
Changes in Affect, Self-Efficacy, Motivation and Performance Among Participants in a Boring and Challenging Task
Changes in Affect, Self-Efficacy, Motivation and Performance Among Participants in a Boring and Challenging Task
Effects of Cardiovascular Health on Cognitive Function and Driving Performance among Healthy Older Adults
Effects of Cardiovascular Health on Cognitive Function and Driving Performance among Healthy Older Adults
Causal Ascriptions and Emotional Attachments
Causal Ascriptions and Emotional Attachments
Responses to Perceived Effort in Children
Responses to Perceived Effort in Children
Effects of Guided Imagery and HRV Biofeedback Training on Psychological Variables and Post-Operative Outcome Measures of Orthopaedic Surgical Patients
Effects of Guided Imagery and HRV Biofeedback Training on Psychological Variables and Post-Operative Outcome Measures of Orthopaedic Surgical Patients
Remembering and Forgetting Emotional Basketball Events
Remembering and Forgetting Emotional Basketball Events
Dynamic Nature of the Emotion-Cognition Link in Trapshooting Performance
Dynamic Nature of the Emotion-Cognition Link in Trapshooting Performance
Functional Model of Team Leadership for Sport
Functional Model of Team Leadership for Sport
Examination of the Integrative Relationship Among the Factors of Achievement Goal          Theory and Self-Determination Theory
Examination of the Integrative Relationship Among the Factors of Achievement Goal Theory and Self-Determination Theory
International Student Athlete
International Student Athlete
Relationship Among Career Anchors, Negative Career Thoughts, Vocational Identity, and Hope in Freelance Production Crew for Film and Television
Relationship Among Career Anchors, Negative Career Thoughts, Vocational Identity, and Hope in Freelance Production Crew for Film and Television
Team Coordination and Game-Based Interaction Networks in Soccer
Team Coordination and Game-Based Interaction Networks in Soccer
Be a Performance Enhancement Consultant
Be a Performance Enhancement Consultant
Decision-Making for Law Enforcement Officers
Decision-Making for Law Enforcement Officers
Impact of Yoga on Psychological Health in Older Adults
Impact of Yoga on Psychological Health in Older Adults
From Obstacles to Triumph
From Obstacles to Triumph
Workload Adaptation Dynamics
Workload Adaptation Dynamics
Effects of Acute Exercise on Driving Performance and Executive Functions in Healthy Older Adults
Effects of Acute Exercise on Driving Performance and Executive Functions in Healthy Older Adults
Thought Suppression Paradox in Student Athletes and Its Intervention
Thought Suppression Paradox in Student Athletes and Its Intervention
Effects of Imagery on Perceived Exertion, Attention, and Exercise Adherence
Effects of Imagery on Perceived Exertion, Attention, and Exercise Adherence
Effect of Mental Training with Biofeedback on Entering Optimal Individual          Affect-Related Performance Zones
Effect of Mental Training with Biofeedback on Entering Optimal Individual Affect-Related Performance Zones
Cascading Effect
Cascading Effect
Testing the Expanded Sport Official's Decision-Making Model
Testing the Expanded Sport Official's Decision-Making Model
Trash Talk in a Competitive Setting
Trash Talk in a Competitive Setting
Computerized Pedagogical Agents as an Intervention to Increase Youth Self-Efficacy for Physical Activity
Computerized Pedagogical Agents as an Intervention to Increase Youth Self-Efficacy for Physical Activity
Stroboscopic Training Effect on Anticipating the Direction of Tennis Serves
Stroboscopic Training Effect on Anticipating the Direction of Tennis Serves
Game Reading Skills in Soccer
Game Reading Skills in Soccer
Emotional Control, Commitment, & Performance
Emotional Control, Commitment, & Performance
Gaze Behaviors in Serve Returns
Gaze Behaviors in Serve Returns
Effect of Self-Talk on Attention Allocation, Perception of Effort, and Exercise Endurance
Effect of Self-Talk on Attention Allocation, Perception of Effort, and Exercise Endurance
Communicating Effectively
Communicating Effectively
Exercising Mind-Body
Exercising Mind-Body
Effect of Telic/Paratelic Dominance and Task Condition on Motor Performance, Affect, Telic/Paratelic State, and Self-Efficacy
Effect of Telic/Paratelic Dominance and Task Condition on Motor Performance, Affect, Telic/Paratelic State, and Self-Efficacy
Attention and Performance
Attention and Performance
Enhancing Decision-Making in Experienced Military Medics
Enhancing Decision-Making in Experienced Military Medics
Cohesion Team Mental Models and Collective Efficacy
Cohesion Team Mental Models and Collective Efficacy
Development and Validation of the Shared Mental Models in Team Sports Questionnaire
Development and Validation of the Shared Mental Models in Team Sports Questionnaire
Decision-Making and Reported Thought Processes Among Expert, Intermediate, and Novice Poker Players
Decision-Making and Reported Thought Processes Among Expert, Intermediate, and Novice Poker Players
Applied Golf Research
Applied Golf Research
Psychological Factors in Perceived and Sustained Effort
Psychological Factors in Perceived and Sustained Effort
Examination into the Temporal Patterning of Emotions, Cognitions, and Coping Strategies in Instrumental Performers
Examination into the Temporal Patterning of Emotions, Cognitions, and Coping Strategies in Instrumental Performers
Evaluation of Yoga for the Reduction of Fall Risk Factors in Older Adults
Evaluation of Yoga for the Reduction of Fall Risk Factors in Older Adults