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11 items found in collection [showing 1 - 11]
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Cognitive Control of Acute Symptoms during a 35% Co2 Challenge
Cognitive Control of Acute Symptoms during a 35% Co2 Challenge
Improving the Reliability and Validity of Visual Inspection of Data by Behavior Analysts
Improving the Reliability and Validity of Visual Inspection of Data by Behavior Analysts
Use of Job AIDS to Facilitate Accurate Visual Analysis of Graphed Within-Subject Behavioral Data
Use of Job AIDS to Facilitate Accurate Visual Analysis of Graphed Within-Subject Behavioral Data
Comparing Main and Collateral Effects of Extinction and Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behavior
Comparing Main and Collateral Effects of Extinction and Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behavior
Effects of Reduced Duration in-School Suspension on the Classroom Behavior of Elementary School Students
Effects of Reduced Duration in-School Suspension on the Classroom Behavior of Elementary School Students
Expanding the Tact Repertoire of Preschool Students with Developmental Disabilities by          Embedding Direct Instruction into Everyday Classroom Activities
Expanding the Tact Repertoire of Preschool Students with Developmental Disabilities by Embedding Direct Instruction into Everyday Classroom Activities
Efficacy of Brief Functional Analysis Procedures on Assessing ADHD Behaviors and          the Effect of Stimulant Medication
Efficacy of Brief Functional Analysis Procedures on Assessing ADHD Behaviors and the Effect of Stimulant Medication
Serial and Concurrent Intra-Program Objective Sequences for Children with Autism
Serial and Concurrent Intra-Program Objective Sequences for Children with Autism
Human Performance in an Advanced Security System Environment
Human Performance in an Advanced Security System Environment
College Students' Recollection of Parent-Child Conflict Management and Current Perceptions of Adjustment and          Attachment with Parents and Peers
College Students' Recollection of Parent-Child Conflict Management and Current Perceptions of Adjustment and Attachment with Parents and Peers
Analysis of a Social Story Intervention to Increase Appropriate Social Interactions in          Children with Autism
Analysis of a Social Story Intervention to Increase Appropriate Social Interactions in Children with Autism