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21 items found in collection [showing 1 - 21]
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Community Ecology of Mesofauna Associated with the Caribbean Fire Sponge, Tedania ignis, and Context-Dependent Effects of Symbiosis
Community Ecology of Mesofauna Associated with the Caribbean Fire Sponge, Tedania ignis, and Context-Dependent Effects of Symbiosis
Insects in Variable Plant Patches
Insects in Variable Plant Patches
Implications of Population Growth Rate Projections and Pollen Limitation for the Conservation of a Threatened Dioecious                 Plant
Implications of Population Growth Rate Projections and Pollen Limitation for the Conservation of a Threatened Dioecious Plant
Migration, Habitat Use, and Predator-Prey Dynamics of Coastal Sharks in the Northeast Gulf of Mexico
Migration, Habitat Use, and Predator-Prey Dynamics of Coastal Sharks in the Northeast Gulf of Mexico
Effects of Sperm Environment on the Evolution of Gamete Traits in Ciona Robusta
Effects of Sperm Environment on the Evolution of Gamete Traits in Ciona Robusta
Densities across Hierarchical Scales Influence Ecological and Evolutionary          Processes
Densities across Hierarchical Scales Influence Ecological and Evolutionary Processes
The Evolutionary History and Quaternary Origins of the Polyploid Gray Treefrog Complex (Hylidae: Hyla versicolor sensu lato)
The Evolutionary History and Quaternary Origins of the Polyploid Gray Treefrog Complex (Hylidae: Hyla versicolor sensu lato)
Investigating the Pattern and Process of Mate Choice in a Tropical Lekking Passerine Bird
Investigating the Pattern and Process of Mate Choice in a Tropical Lekking Passerine Bird
Mercury Contamination and Its Relation to Trophic Ecology and Anthropogenic Pollution in Coastal and Deep Sea Shark Communities
Mercury Contamination and Its Relation to Trophic Ecology and Anthropogenic Pollution in Coastal and Deep Sea Shark Communities
Genetics of Adaptation of Island Rattlesnakes
Genetics of Adaptation of Island Rattlesnakes
Species-Habitat Relationships and Multi-Source Feeding in Apalachicola Bay Fishes
Species-Habitat Relationships and Multi-Source Feeding in Apalachicola Bay Fishes
Evolutionary Insights from Analyses of Spatial Genetic Variation in North American Frogs
Evolutionary Insights from Analyses of Spatial Genetic Variation in North American Frogs
Ecological and Evolutionary Dynamics of Inbreeding and Outbreeding in a Spermcasting Invertebrate
Ecological and Evolutionary Dynamics of Inbreeding and Outbreeding in a Spermcasting Invertebrate
Discovery, Exploration, and Evolution of Treefrog Biofluorescence
Discovery, Exploration, and Evolution of Treefrog Biofluorescence
Socially Mediated Plasticity and Polymorphism
Socially Mediated Plasticity and Polymorphism
Reproductive Dynamics of Gulf Black Sea Bass in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
Reproductive Dynamics of Gulf Black Sea Bass in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
Refined Approaches to Improving Efforts to Conserve Plant Biodiversity
Refined Approaches to Improving Efforts to Conserve Plant Biodiversity
Comparative Quantitative Genetics of the Pelvis in Four-Species of Rodents and the Conservation of Genetic Covariance and Correlation Structure
Comparative Quantitative Genetics of the Pelvis in Four-Species of Rodents and the Conservation of Genetic Covariance and Correlation Structure
Investigating Processes Speciation at Multiple Scales in Chorus Frogs (Pseudacris)
Investigating Processes Speciation at Multiple Scales in Chorus Frogs (Pseudacris)
Physiological Ecology of Elasmobranchs in the Gulf of Mexico and Northwestern Atlantic
Physiological Ecology of Elasmobranchs in the Gulf of Mexico and Northwestern Atlantic
Mate Preference in Poeciliid Fish and the Quantification of Complex Color Patterns
Mate Preference in Poeciliid Fish and the Quantification of Complex Color Patterns