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9 items found in collection [showing 1 - 9]
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Analysis of Textual Choices and Musical Settings in Four Vocal Chamber Works of          Bright Sheng
Analysis of Textual Choices and Musical Settings in Four Vocal Chamber Works of Bright Sheng
Vally Weigl
Vally Weigl
Judith Cloud
Judith Cloud
Exploring Tibetan Music Idioms
Exploring Tibetan Music Idioms
Uncovering Word Painting and Motivic Structures within Paul Hindemith's Das Marienleben
Uncovering Word Painting and Motivic Structures within Paul Hindemith's Das Marienleben
Ich Hab' Im Traum …
Ich Hab' Im Traum …
Comparative Study
Comparative Study
Natural Imagery in the Art Songs of Mary Carr Moore
Natural Imagery in the Art Songs of Mary Carr Moore
Brazilian Portuguese Lyric Diction for American Singers and Antônio Carlos Gomes
Brazilian Portuguese Lyric Diction for American Singers and Antônio Carlos Gomes