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17 items found in collection [showing 1 - 17]
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Android Benchmarking for Architectural Research
Android Benchmarking for Architectural Research
Sparse Representations for Recognition
Sparse Representations for Recognition
Reducing Power Involved in Pipeline Scheduling Through the Use of an Incremental Hybrid Scheduler
Reducing Power Involved in Pipeline Scheduling Through the Use of an Incremental Hybrid Scheduler
Hybrid Keyword Search Across Peer-to-Peer Federated Data
Hybrid Keyword Search Across Peer-to-Peer Federated Data
Efficient and Robust Message Passing Schemes for RDMA-Enabled Clusters
Efficient and Robust Message Passing Schemes for RDMA-Enabled Clusters
Appearance-Based Classification and Recognition Using Spectral Histogram          Representations and Hierarchical Learning for OCA
Appearance-Based Classification and Recognition Using Spectral Histogram Representations and Hierarchical Learning for OCA
Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Array Data Dependence Analysis with the Chains of Recurrences Algebra
Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Array Data Dependence Analysis with the Chains of Recurrences Algebra
Next Generation Performance Monitoring
Next Generation Performance Monitoring
Unified Compiler Framework for Program Analysis, Optimization, and Automatic Vectorization with Chains of Recurrences
Unified Compiler Framework for Program Analysis, Optimization, and Automatic Vectorization with Chains of Recurrences
Instruction Caching in Multithreading Processors Using Guarantees
Instruction Caching in Multithreading Processors Using Guarantees
Historical Study of the Development of Branch Predictors
Historical Study of the Development of Branch Predictors
Simple, Thread-Safe, Approximate Nearest Neighbor Algorithm
Simple, Thread-Safe, Approximate Nearest Neighbor Algorithm
Crossing Reduction for Layered Hierarchical Graph Drawing
Crossing Reduction for Layered Hierarchical Graph Drawing
There and Back Again… a Datum's Tale
There and Back Again… a Datum's Tale
Automatic Empirical Techniques for Developing Efficient MPI Collective Communication Routines
Automatic Empirical Techniques for Developing Efficient MPI Collective Communication Routines
Exploration of the Spectral Histogram Representation for Face Detection
Exploration of the Spectral Histogram Representation for Face Detection
Grid Computing Infrastructure for Monte Carlo Applications
Grid Computing Infrastructure for Monte Carlo Applications