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7 items found in collection [showing 1 - 7]
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Scale Setting and Topological Observables in Pure SU(2) LGT
Scale Setting and Topological Observables in Pure SU(2) LGT
Towards Higher Theoretical Precision for Electroweak Boson Production with b-Jets at Hadron Colliders
Towards Higher Theoretical Precision for Electroweak Boson Production with b-Jets at Hadron Colliders
Automated One-Loop QCD and Electroweak Calculations with NLOX
Automated One-Loop QCD and Electroweak Calculations with NLOX
Photoproduction of Cascade Baryons Using the GlueX Detector at Jefferson          Laboratory
Photoproduction of Cascade Baryons Using the GlueX Detector at Jefferson Laboratory
Study of Low-Lying Proton Resonances in 26Si and Neutron Spectroscopic Studies with Catrina
Study of Low-Lying Proton Resonances in 26Si and Neutron Spectroscopic Studies with Catrina
Constraining New Physics via Improved Global Fits of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory
Constraining New Physics via Improved Global Fits of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory
Investigations of Magnetoelastic Coupling in Spinel Cobalt Vanadate Thin Films
Investigations of Magnetoelastic Coupling in Spinel Cobalt Vanadate Thin Films