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6 items found in collection [showing 1 - 6]
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Instant and Eternity
Instant and Eternity
Reducing Stress in Leisure Travelers through the Use of Biophilic Design Elements to Enhance the Sense of Arrival in Hotel Lobby Interior Design
Reducing Stress in Leisure Travelers through the Use of Biophilic Design Elements to Enhance the Sense of Arrival in Hotel Lobby Interior Design
Effect of Protein Supplementation on Body Composition and Dance Performance in Female Collegiate Dancers
Effect of Protein Supplementation on Body Composition and Dance Performance in Female Collegiate Dancers
Joseph Conrad and the Aesthetics of Music
Joseph Conrad and the Aesthetics of Music
Identity and Its Influence on the Saxophonist's Sense of Taste
Identity and Its Influence on the Saxophonist's Sense of Taste
Emotion and Meaning in La Bohème
Emotion and Meaning in La Bohème