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5 items found in 3 collections [showing 1 - 5]
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Genetic and environmental associations between body dissatisfaction, weight preoccupation, and binge eating
Genetic and environmental associations between body dissatisfaction, weight preoccupation, and binge eating
Temperament and body weight from ages 4 to 15 years.
Temperament and body weight from ages 4 to 15 years.
Parents' Perceptions of Their Children as Overweight and Children's Weight Concerns and Weight Gain.
Parents' Perceptions of Their Children as Overweight and Children's Weight Concerns and Weight Gain.
randomized controlled trial of The Body Project
randomized controlled trial of The Body Project
Does Knowing Hurt? Perceiving Oneself as Overweight Predicts Future Physical Health and Well-Being.
Does Knowing Hurt? Perceiving Oneself as Overweight Predicts Future Physical Health and Well-Being.