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73 items found in 3 collections [showing 1 - 50]


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Testing Perceptions of a Memory-Related Tip Card for the Amazon Echo Dot in a Sample of Older Adults with and without Mild Cognitive Impairment
Testing Perceptions of a Memory-Related Tip Card for the Amazon Echo Dot in a Sample of Older Adults with and without Mild Cognitive Impairment
Do Individual Differences in Eye Movement Scanning Predict Simulator Sickness?
Do Individual Differences in Eye Movement Scanning Predict Simulator Sickness?
Extra-Linguistic Factors in Langauge Comprehension
Extra-Linguistic Factors in Langauge Comprehension
Expert-Performance Approach to the Study of the Development of Understanding during Complex Learning
Expert-Performance Approach to the Study of the Development of Understanding during Complex Learning
Concsious Replay during Rest and Relational Processing
Concsious Replay during Rest and Relational Processing
Note-Taking and Technology
Note-Taking and Technology
Can Hand Position Enhance Target Detection in a Complex, Real-World Visual Search Task?
Can Hand Position Enhance Target Detection in a Complex, Real-World Visual Search Task?
Recursive Reminding and Language Production
Recursive Reminding and Language Production
Knowledge Structures and Decision Making in Chess
Knowledge Structures and Decision Making in Chess
Avoiding Interference
Avoiding Interference
Causes and Consequences of Being Reminded
Causes and Consequences of Being Reminded
Investigation of Mathematics Language and Its Relation with Mathematics and Reading
Investigation of Mathematics Language and Its Relation with Mathematics and Reading
Examining Action Effects in Language Processing
Examining Action Effects in Language Processing
Are Implicit Learning Abilities in Language and Music Related?
Are Implicit Learning Abilities in Language and Music Related?
Examination of the Mechanisms Driving Long-Range Prime-to-Target Structural Priming
Examination of the Mechanisms Driving Long-Range Prime-to-Target Structural Priming
Uncovering the Structure of Skilled Performance Using Verbal Protocol Analysis
Uncovering the Structure of Skilled Performance Using Verbal Protocol Analysis
Interplay between Alpha Oscillations, Anxiety, and Sensory Processing
Interplay between Alpha Oscillations, Anxiety, and Sensory Processing
It's Not You, It's Me
It's Not You, It's Me
Descriptive Post Titles as Advance Organizer
Descriptive Post Titles as Advance Organizer
Influence of Parenthood on Perceptions of Warmth and Competence
Influence of Parenthood on Perceptions of Warmth and Competence
Gaming Preferences of Aging Generations
Gaming Preferences of Aging Generations
Integratibility of Words and Their Referents into Embodied Representations
Integratibility of Words and Their Referents into Embodied Representations
Examining the Relationship between Prior Knowledge, Causal Maps, and Causal Mapping Processes
Examining the Relationship between Prior Knowledge, Causal Maps, and Causal Mapping Processes
Belief Systems and Executive Functioning
Belief Systems and Executive Functioning
Self-Regulated Learning, Motivation Beliefs, and the Regulation of Motivation among College Freshmen
Self-Regulated Learning, Motivation Beliefs, and the Regulation of Motivation among College Freshmen
Effects of Acute Exercise on Driving Performance and Executive Functions in Healthy Older Adults
Effects of Acute Exercise on Driving Performance and Executive Functions in Healthy Older Adults
Assessing the Importance of Metalinguistic Skills to the Word Reading and Reading Comprehension Abilities of Adult Basic Education Students
Assessing the Importance of Metalinguistic Skills to the Word Reading and Reading Comprehension Abilities of Adult Basic Education Students
Generalizing the Control Architecture of the Lateral Prefrontal Cortex
Generalizing the Control Architecture of the Lateral Prefrontal Cortex
Incremental Validity of the Barkley Deficits in Executive Function Scale and Cognitive Tests of Executive Function on ADHD Symptoms and Impairments in College Students
Incremental Validity of the Barkley Deficits in Executive Function Scale and Cognitive Tests of Executive Function on ADHD Symptoms and Impairments in College Students
Decision Dynamics and Human-Computer Interaction in Online Health Information Seeking
Decision Dynamics and Human-Computer Interaction in Online Health Information Seeking
Does Verb Use Affects Mood and Happiness?
Does Verb Use Affects Mood and Happiness?
Thinking Serial or Thinking Parallel?
Thinking Serial or Thinking Parallel?
Investigating the Causal Evidence of Integration between Cognitive Control Systems
Investigating the Causal Evidence of Integration between Cognitive Control Systems
Investigating Theories of the Testing Effect
Investigating Theories of the Testing Effect
Threat Processing in the Human Sensory Cortex
Threat Processing in the Human Sensory Cortex
Influence of Age and Depression on Episodic Memory Functioning in Adulthood
Influence of Age and Depression on Episodic Memory Functioning in Adulthood
Coordinated Gambling Feedback Processing Indexed by Feedback Negativity and Reward          Positivity ERP Components, and Pupil Dilation
Coordinated Gambling Feedback Processing Indexed by Feedback Negativity and Reward Positivity ERP Components, and Pupil Dilation
Do Individual Differences in Attentional Control and Susceptibility to Distraction Predict Inattentional Blindness?
Do Individual Differences in Attentional Control and Susceptibility to Distraction Predict Inattentional Blindness?
Gender Stereotypes in Spoken Word Recognition
Gender Stereotypes in Spoken Word Recognition
Massed vs Spaced Presentation in Cumulative Structural Priming
Massed vs Spaced Presentation in Cumulative Structural Priming
Executive Function and Intermixing in Math
Executive Function and Intermixing in Math
Examining Sex Differences and the Effects of Videogame Experience on Development of Manual Control Skill in a Novel Action          Videogame
Examining Sex Differences and the Effects of Videogame Experience on Development of Manual Control Skill in a Novel Action Videogame
Age Differences in the Subjective Valuation of Technology
Age Differences in the Subjective Valuation of Technology
Investigating the Effects of Multiple Advanced Driver Assistance Systems on Older Drivers' Simulated Driving Performance and System Acceptance
Investigating the Effects of Multiple Advanced Driver Assistance Systems on Older Drivers' Simulated Driving Performance and System Acceptance
Do the Benefits of Camouflage Visual Search Training Transfer to Novel Search Situations?
Do the Benefits of Camouflage Visual Search Training Transfer to Novel Search Situations?
Influences of Information Valence Manipulation on Aging Drivers' Attitudes Toward          Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Autonomous Vehicles
Influences of Information Valence Manipulation on Aging Drivers' Attitudes Toward Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Autonomous Vehicles
Exploring the Robustness of Feature-Based Reward Priming
Exploring the Robustness of Feature-Based Reward Priming
Investigating Semantic Competition Between Global Knowledge and Local Context in Real-Time Sentence Processing
Investigating Semantic Competition Between Global Knowledge and Local Context in Real-Time Sentence Processing
Shifts in Adaptation
Shifts in Adaptation
Role of Prior Experience in Performance and Transfer within the Space Fortress Game
Role of Prior Experience in Performance and Transfer within the Space Fortress Game
