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13 items found in 11 collections [showing 1 - 13]
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Act passed by the Legislative Council of Florida, entitled An act   to raise a revenue in the Territory of Florida
Act passed by the Legislative Council of Florida, entitled An act to raise a revenue in the Territory of Florida
Exploitation of Labor in College Football
Exploitation of Labor in College Football
Comparison by states of features of inheritance and estate taxes
Comparison by states of features of inheritance and estate taxes
Letter from Mary Mackey to Marian Nish, July 9, 1937
Letter from Mary Mackey to Marian Nish, July 9, 1937
Research Vessel Requirements by Florida State University for the period July 1966- July 1969
Research Vessel Requirements by Florida State University for the period July 1966- July 1969
Letter from John Baker Holroyd
Letter from John Baker Holroyd
profession of accountancy
profession of accountancy
Enforcement of the Student Body Anti-Discrimination Policy
Enforcement of the Student Body Anti-Discrimination Policy
Straight Questions About Homosexuality brochure
Straight Questions About Homosexuality brochure
Transcript of record
Transcript of record
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting letter of the Secretary of the Interior and reports relative to the proposed purchase of certain land by the Seminole Indians
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting letter of the Secretary of the Interior and reports relative to the proposed purchase of certain land by the Seminole Indians
Stephen Graham's notes from travels in the Jim Crow-era South
Stephen Graham's notes from travels in the Jim Crow-era South
Letter from Frederic Alberti to Giulia Kortischoner, 1947-05-08
Letter from Frederic Alberti to Giulia Kortischoner, 1947-05-08