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20 items found in 5 collections [showing 1 - 20]
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Booklet listing all nobel prize winners from the years 1901 to 1979
Booklet listing all nobel prize winners from the years 1901 to 1979
Negro Protest Leaders in a Southern Community
Negro Protest Leaders in a Southern Community
Negro Perceptions of Organizational Effectiveness
Negro Perceptions of Organizational Effectiveness
Biracial Committee as a Response to Racial Tension in Southern Cities
Biracial Committee as a Response to Racial Tension in Southern Cities
Documentation of desegregation, voting rights, and racial unrest
Documentation of desegregation, voting rights, and racial unrest
Community Resistance to and Acceptance of Desegregation
Community Resistance to and Acceptance of Desegregation
Leadership in American Society: A Case Study of Black Leadership
Leadership in American Society: A Case Study of Black Leadership
Community Structure and the Role of the Negro Leader-Agent
Community Structure and the Role of the Negro Leader-Agent
Role of the White Liberals in Changing Patterns of Race Relations in the South
Role of the White Liberals in Changing Patterns of Race Relations in the South
Sociological Perspective on Leadership
Sociological Perspective on Leadership
Rank Orders of Discrimination of Negroes and Whites in a Southern City
Rank Orders of Discrimination of Negroes and Whites in a Southern City
St. James Island Fisheries booklet
St. James Island Fisheries booklet
Leadership in American Society: A Case Study of Negro Leadership
Leadership in American Society: A Case Study of Negro Leadership
Leadership in American Society: A Case Study of Negro Leadership
Leadership in American Society: A Case Study of Negro Leadership
Race Relations in the Urbanized South
Race Relations in the Urbanized South
Urbanism, Race, and Anomia
Urbanism, Race, and Anomia
Statistic writings and reports pertaining to science, race, biology, and intelligence
Statistic writings and reports pertaining to science, race, biology, and intelligence
Seating arrangement of the 1933 Nobel Prize banquet
Seating arrangement of the 1933 Nobel Prize banquet
Social Movements
Social Movements
Inventory of Community Living Conditions and Attitudes in Daytona Beach, Florida
Inventory of Community Living Conditions and Attitudes in Daytona Beach, Florida