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10 items found in 4 collections [showing 1 - 10]
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Meta-analysis of Genome-wide Association Studies Identifies Common Variants in CTNNA2          Associated with Excitement-seeking
Meta-analysis of Genome-wide Association Studies Identifies Common Variants in CTNNA2 Associated with Excitement-seeking
Increased Genetic Vulnerability to Smoking at CHRNA5 in Early-Onset Smokers
Increased Genetic Vulnerability to Smoking at CHRNA5 in Early-Onset Smokers
Five-Factor Model Personality Profiles of Drug Users
Five-Factor Model Personality Profiles of Drug Users
Behavioral Reactivity to Social Defeat Stress after Nicotine Exposure during          Adolescence in C57/BL6 Male Mice
Behavioral Reactivity to Social Defeat Stress after Nicotine Exposure during Adolescence in C57/BL6 Male Mice
Substance Abusing Patients in the Primary Care Setting
Substance Abusing Patients in the Primary Care Setting
Effect of Physical and Emotional Stress on Nicotine Consumption in Male          Mice
Effect of Physical and Emotional Stress on Nicotine Consumption in Male Mice
What Question Set is Most Effective to Screen Chronic Pain Patients for Potential          Opioid Abuse?
What Question Set is Most Effective to Screen Chronic Pain Patients for Potential Opioid Abuse?
Smoking and the Five-Factor Model of Personality
Smoking and the Five-Factor Model of Personality
Meta-Analysis and Imputation Refines the Association of 15q25 with Smoking          Quantity
Meta-Analysis and Imputation Refines the Association of 15q25 with Smoking Quantity
Sex Differences in Reward and Behavioral Sensitization to Ketamine in Rats
Sex Differences in Reward and Behavioral Sensitization to Ketamine in Rats