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40 items found in 7 collections [showing 1 - 40]
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Daytona Beach, Florida
Daytona Beach, Florida
English angler in Florida
English angler in Florida
Through green glasses, being a historical sketch of legislatures of Florida for thirty years
Through green glasses, being a historical sketch of legislatures of Florida for thirty years
Leon County Florida.
Leon County Florida.
Fifty-two years in Florida
Fifty-two years in Florida
Florida and Texas.
Florida and Texas.
Leon County--Description and travel
Leon County--Description and travel
Letters from Florida
Letters from Florida
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report, and sundry documents, from the Secretary of State, relative to the proceedings of the Commissioner
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report, and sundry documents, from the Secretary of State, relative to the proceedings of the Commissioner
Hotel Ponce de Leon and Alcazar
Hotel Ponce de Leon and Alcazar
Acts and Resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of Florida, Passed at its Eighth Session
Acts and Resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of Florida, Passed at its Eighth Session
Birds of the Everglades and their neighbors the Seminole Indians.
Birds of the Everglades and their neighbors the Seminole Indians.
Day Book and Store Account
Day Book and Store Account
Mercantile and industrial review of Jacksonville, Fla.
Mercantile and industrial review of Jacksonville, Fla.
Concept of the Positron
Concept of the Positron
Florida fish marketing survey
Florida fish marketing survey
Narrative of a voyage to the Spanish main, in the ship Two Friends
Narrative of a voyage to the Spanish main, in the ship Two Friends
Florida in the war between the states
Florida in the war between the states
Directory and guide of Florida railways for shippers
Directory and guide of Florida railways for shippers
Land of Ponce de Leon
Land of Ponce de Leon
Electrons (+ and -), Protons, Photons, Neutrons, and Cosmic Rays
Electrons (+ and -), Protons, Photons, Neutrons, and Cosmic Rays
L'Abbé Daniel par André Theuriet
L'Abbé Daniel par André Theuriet
Hurricane Andrew in Florida
Hurricane Andrew in Florida
Florida days
Florida days
Calendar of Florida University
Calendar of Florida University
Features of the hill country, Florida
Features of the hill country, Florida
Facts and figures, or, the A B C of Florida trucking
Facts and figures, or, the A B C of Florida trucking
Cuban Tobacco in Polk County Florida, a compendium of facts for farmers who contemplate bettering their condition financially
Cuban Tobacco in Polk County Florida, a compendium of facts for farmers who contemplate bettering their condition financially
Memoir on the geography, and natural and civil history of Florida
Memoir on the geography, and natural and civil history of Florida
Florida breezes
Florida breezes
Jacksonville Illustrated
Jacksonville Illustrated
account of the first discovery, and natural history of Florida.
account of the first discovery, and natural history of Florida.
Descriptive list of all the private land claims in East Florida
Descriptive list of all the private land claims in East Florida
Camping and Cruising in Florida
Camping and Cruising in Florida
Floradelphia, Polk County, Florida
Floradelphia, Polk County, Florida
Matters to be observed in the examination of title to real estate in Florida
Matters to be observed in the examination of title to real estate in Florida
General Jackson's conduct in the Seminole War, delineated in a history of that period
General Jackson's conduct in the Seminole War, delineated in a history of that period
The red book
The red book
Conquest of Florida by Hernando de Soto
Conquest of Florida by Hernando de Soto