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31 items found in 2 collections [showing 1 - 31]
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Twenty Dollar Note, 1861
Twenty Dollar Note, 1861
Customer's Draft of Capital City Bank Check for $100.00 (My Salary for Aug 1896), signed by N. W. Eppes
Customer's Draft of Capital City Bank Check for $100.00 (My Salary for Aug 1896), signed by N. W. Eppes
Twenty Dollar Note, 1863
Twenty Dollar Note, 1863
Fifty Dollar Note, 1864
Fifty Dollar Note, 1864
Check for $10.90 addressed to Levy Bros, signed by N. W. Eppes
Check for $10.90 addressed to Levy Bros, signed by N. W. Eppes
Customer's Draft of Capital City Bank Check for $100.00 made out to the Board of Education, signed by N. W. Eppes
Customer's Draft of Capital City Bank Check for $100.00 made out to the Board of Education, signed by N. W. Eppes
Ten Dollar Note, 1862
Ten Dollar Note, 1862
Ten Dollar Note, 1862
Ten Dollar Note, 1862
Twenty Dollar Note, 1861
Twenty Dollar Note, 1861
One Dollar Note, 1862
One Dollar Note, 1862
Five Dollar Note, 1862
Five Dollar Note, 1862
Capital City Bank Check for $1.00 to Levy Bros, signed by N. W. Eppes
Capital City Bank Check for $1.00 to Levy Bros, signed by N. W. Eppes
Ten Dollar Note, 1863
Ten Dollar Note, 1863
R. B. Lutterloh Check made out for $1.35, addressed to Levy Bros, signed by N.W. Eppes
R. B. Lutterloh Check made out for $1.35, addressed to Levy Bros, signed by N.W. Eppes
Five Dollar Note, 1863
Five Dollar Note, 1863
Five Dollar Note, 1861
Five Dollar Note, 1861
Twenty Dollar Note, 1862
Twenty Dollar Note, 1862
Five Dollar Note, 1861
Five Dollar Note, 1861
Ten Dollar Note, 1863
Ten Dollar Note, 1863
Ten Dollar Note, 1864
Ten Dollar Note, 1864
Ten Dollar Note, 1864
Ten Dollar Note, 1864
Five Dollar Note, 1861
Five Dollar Note, 1861
Twenty Dollar Note, 1861
Twenty Dollar Note, 1861
Capital City Bank Check for $2.12 to Levy Bros, signed by N. W. Eppes
Capital City Bank Check for $2.12 to Levy Bros, signed by N. W. Eppes
Ten Dollar Note, 1861
Ten Dollar Note, 1861
Ten Dollar Note, 1861
Ten Dollar Note, 1861
Two Dollar Note, 1862
Two Dollar Note, 1862
Five Dollar Note, 1862
Five Dollar Note, 1862
Five Dollar Note, 1861
Five Dollar Note, 1861
Capital City Bank Check for $1.00 to L. C. Yaeger, signed by N. W. Eppes
Capital City Bank Check for $1.00 to L. C. Yaeger, signed by N. W. Eppes
Ten Dollar Note, 1864
Ten Dollar Note, 1864