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Knowledge of Undisclosed Corporate Authorship ("Ghostwriting") Reduces the Perceived Credibility of Antidepressant Research

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Lacasse, J. R., Leo, J., Cimino, A. N., Bean, K. F., & Del-Colle, M. (2012). Knowledge of Undisclosed Corporate Authorship ("Ghostwriting") Reduces the Perceived Credibility of Antidepressant Research: A Randomized Vignette Study with Experienced Nurses. Bmc Research Notes. Retrieved from
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Lacasse, J. R., Leo, J., Cimino, A. N., Bean, K. F., & Del-Colle, M. (2012). Knowledge of Undisclosed Corporate Authorship ("Ghostwriting") Reduces the Perceived Credibility of Antidepressant Research: A Randomized Vignette Study with Experienced Nurses. Bmc Research Notes. Retrieved from

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