All Quiet Along the Potomac To-Night
All quiet along the Potomac tonight
Beers, Ethel Lynn 1827-1879 (lyricist) Hewitt, John Hill 1801-1890 (composer) Fontaine, Lamar 1829-1921 (dubious author)
Sheet music Songs
3 pages
FSUML-CSMC-H3299 Hoogerwerf 3299 Rivest 7
Music 1860-1869
Julian A. Selby; Geo. Dunn & Compy
Columbia, South Carolina; Richmond, Virginia
"Dedicated to the unknown dead of the present revolution"
M2.3 .C61 C6
voice piano
Confederate Sheet Music Collection, courtesy of Warren D. Allen Music Library, The Florida State University
Warren D. Allen Music Library
Confederate Sheet Music Collection Goodspeed Collection
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