Bonny Jean
Bonny Jean, A Ballad, With Chorus, Ad. Lib. O! the summer morn is brightly glowing Where the sweet hedgerose is blowing
Osborne, Charles (composer) Linley, George 1798-1865 (lyricist)
Sheet music Songs
5 pages
FSUML-CSMC-H3346 Hoogerwerf 3346 Rivest 37
Music 1860-1869
Blackmar & Bro.
Augusta, Georgia
"PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, MUSIC, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, STRING, &C., BROMBERG & SON, 46 Dauphin Street, MOBILE, ALA." stamp on cover page "Arthur Wilson" inscribed on cover page "Southern Edition" above title on cover page
M2.3 .C61 C6
voice mixed voice piano
Confederate Sheet Music Collection, courtesy of Warren D. Allen Music Library, The Florida State University
Warren D. Allen Music Library
Confederate Sheet Music Collection Goodspeed Collection
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