Morceau de Salon sur l'air favori: Her Bright Smile Haunts Me Still
Improvisation On the Favorite Melody Her bright Smile Haunts me still
La Hache, Théod. von (Théodor) 1822-1869 (composer) Otman, Belle (dedicatee) B. Duncan & Co. (lithographer)
Sheet music Piano music
8 pages
FSUML-CSMC-H3573 Hoogerwerf 3573 Rivest 137 Op. 503.
Music Otman, Belle
Blackmar & Bro.
Augusta, Georgia
"To his Pupil Miss Belle Olman." "à son Elève Madelle Belle Otway." above caption
M2.3 .C61 C6
Confederate Sheet Music Collection, courtesy of Warren D. Allen Music Library, The Florida State University
Warren D. Allen Music Library
Confederate Sheet Music Collection Goodspeed Collection
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