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Series E: Other People

Series E of the Claude Pepper Photograph Collection spans from 1918 to 1987. Individuals represented include Bernard Baruch, Hale and Lindy Boggs, John Nance Garner, Helen Hayes, Bob Hope, Hubert Humphrey, Lyndon B. Johnson, John F. Kennedy, Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Adlai Stevenson. Subjects include anniversaries, award ceremonies, graduations, inaugurations, IPU conferences, Claude Pepper's U.S. House Office staff, political campaigns, senior citizens, and World War II.


Alfonso Frank dragging a Christmas tree out a front door
Alfonso Frank dragging a Christmas tree out a front door
This is the Pepper's home in Coral Gables, Florida.
Alistair Cooke addressing a Joint Session of Congress
Alistair Cooke addressing a Joint Session of Congress
Jim Brennan can be seen in 5th row from top, 2nd from right.
Allen family
Allen family
In collection of miscellaneous photographs and snapshots of Claude Pepper's friends and constituents.
Alma De Lancey holding her infant son in front of a destroyed house
Alma De Lancey holding her infant son in front of a destroyed house
The photo was sent to Claude Pepper by Clifford B. Fligg, Director, Public Information Service, America National Red Cross. The baby was found alive after being lost during a storm that destroyed the family home.
Alma De Lancey holding her infant son, Clyde Christopher De Lancey
Alma De Lancey holding her infant son, Clyde Christopher De Lancey
The photo was sent to Claude Pepper by Clifford B. Fligg, Director, Public Information Service, America National Red Cross. The baby was found alive after being lost during a storm that destroyed the family home.
Archbishop Niron celebrating the Holy Easter Mass
Archbishop Niron celebrating the Holy Easter Mass
The procession was held at St. Vladimir Russian Orthodox Church in Miami, Florida on April 13, 1969.
