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Simulation results from
Simulation results from
Summary: Premise of the study: A novel method of estimating phenology of herbarium specimens was developed to facilitate more precise determination of plant phenological responses to explanatory variables (e.g., climate). Methods and Results: Simulated specimen datasets were used to compare the precision of phenological models using the new method and two common, alternative methods (flower presence/absence and ≥50% flowers present). The new “estimated phenophase” method was more precise and extracted a greater number of significant species-level relationships; however, this method only slightly out-performed the simple “binary” (e.g., flowers present/absent) method. Conclusions: The new method enables estimation of phenological trends with greater precision. Still, when time and resources are limited, a presence/absence method may offer comparable results at lower cost. Using a more restrictive approach, such as only including specimens in a certain phenophase, is not advised given the detrimental effect of decreased sample size on resulting models. This file contains all results for the simulated models while changing parameters listed in columns A-J.
Single-cell Atlas Of Adult Drosophila Ovary Identifies Transcriptional Programs And Somatic Cell Lineage Regulating Oogenesis
Single-cell Atlas Of Adult Drosophila Ovary Identifies Transcriptional Programs And Somatic Cell Lineage Regulating Oogenesis
Oogenesis is a complex developmental process that involves spatiotemporally regulated coordination between the germline and supporting, somatic cell populations. This process has been modeled extensively using the Drosophila ovary. Although different ovarian cell types have been identified through traditional means, the large-scale expression profiles underlying each cell type remain unknown. Using single-cell RNA sequencing technology, we have built a transcriptomic data set for the adult Drosophila ovary and connected tissues. Using this data set, we identified the transcriptional trajectory of the entire follicle-cell population over the course of their development from stem cells to the oogenesis-to-ovulation transition. We further identify expression patterns during essential developmental events that take place in somatic and germline cell types such as differentiation, cell-cycle switching, migration, symmetry breaking, nurse-cell engulfment, egg-shell formation, and corpus luteum signaling. Extensive experimental validation of unique expression patterns in both ovarian and nearby, nonovarian cells also led to the identification of many new cell type-and stage-specific markers. The inclusion of several nearby tissue types in this data set also led to our identification of functional convergence in expression between distantly related cell types such as the immune-related genes that were similarly expressed in immune cells (hemocytes) and ovarian somatic cells (stretched cells) during their brief phagocytic role in nurse-cell engulfment. Taken together, these findings provide new insight into the temporal regulation of genes in a cell-type specific manner during oogenesis and begin to reveal the relatedness in expression between cell and tissues types., protein, corpus-luteum, egg chamber, follicle cells, gene, life-span, melanogaster, myosin vi, stem-cells, vitellogenin receptor, The publisher's version of record is availible at
Single-cell Replication Profiling To Measure Stochastic Variation In Mammalian Replication Timing
Single-cell Replication Profiling To Measure Stochastic Variation In Mammalian Replication Timing
Mammalian DNA replication is regulated via multi-replicon segments that replicate in a defined temporal order during S-phase. Further, early/late replication of RDs corresponds to active/inactive chromatin interaction compartments. Although replication origins are selected stochastically, variation in replication timing is poorly understood. Here we devise a strategy to measure variation in replication timing using DNA copy number in single mouse embryonic stem cells. We find that borders between replicated and unreplicated DNA are highly conserved between cells, demarcating active and inactive compartments of the nucleus. Fifty percent of replication events deviated from their average replication time by +/- 15% of S phase. This degree of variation is similar between cells, between homologs within cells and between all domains genomewide, regardless of their replication timing. These results demonstrate that stochastic variation in replication timing is independent of elements that dictate timing or extrinsic environmental variation., Keywords: resolution, dynamics, s-phase, dna-replication, genome, initiation, domains, embryonic stem, stable units, temporal organization, Publication Note: The publisher's version of record is available at
Single-cell replication profiling to measure stochastic variation in mammalian replication timing.
Single-cell replication profiling to measure stochastic variation in mammalian replication timing.
Mammalian DNA replication is regulated via multi-replicon segments that replicate in a defined temporal order during S-phase. Further, early/late replication of RDs corresponds to active/inactive chromatin interaction compartments. Although replication origins are selected stochastically, variation in replication timing is poorly understood. Here we devise a strategy to measure variation in replication timing using DNA copy number in single mouse embryonic stem cells. We find that borders between replicated and unreplicated DNA are highly conserved between cells, demarcating active and inactive compartments of the nucleus. Fifty percent of replication events deviated from their average replication time by ± 15% of S phase. This degree of variation is similar between cells, between homologs within cells and between all domains genomewide, regardless of their replication timing. These results demonstrate that stochastic variation in replication timing is independent of elements that dictate timing or extrinsic environmental variation., Grant Number: P01 GM085354, R01 GM083337, U54 DK107965, Publication Note: This NIH-funded author manuscript originally appeared in PubMed Central at
Siroheme Synthase Orients Substrates For Dehydrogenase And Chelatase Activities In A Common Active Site
Siroheme Synthase Orients Substrates For Dehydrogenase And Chelatase Activities In A Common Active Site
Siroheme is the central cofactor in a conserved class of sulfite and nitrite reductases that catalyze the six-electron reduction of sulfite to sulfide and nitrite to ammonia. In Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, siroheme is produced by a trifunctional enzyme, siroheme synthase (CysG). A bifunctional active site that is distinct from its methyltransferase activity catalyzes the final two steps, NAD(+)-dependent dehydrogenation and iron chelation. How this active site performs such different chemistries is unknown. Here, we report the structures of CysG bound to precorrin-2, the initial substrate; sirohydrochlorin, the dehydrogenation product/chelation substrate; and a cobalt-sirohydrochlorin product. We identified binding poses for all three tetrapyrroles and tested the roles of specific amino acids in both activities to give insights into how a bifunctional active site catalyzes two different chemistries and acts as an iron-specific chelatase in the final step of siroheme synthesis. Siroheme is an essential bacterial iron tetrapyrrole used by siroheme-dependent sulfite and nitrite reductases. Here the authors shed light on the catalytic mechanisms of siroheme synthase through the structures of the bifunctional dehydrogenase/chelatase CysG module bound to its substrate, precorrin-2, the product/substrate sirohydrochlorin, and cobalt-sirohydrochlorin., evolution, bacillus-megaterium, biosynthesis, cobalamin, cysg gene encodes, heme, prosthetic group, sirohaem, sirohydrochlorin, sulfite reductase, The publisher's version of record is availible at
Site fidelity by bees drives pollination facilitation in sequentially blooming plant species
Site fidelity by bees drives pollination facilitation in sequentially blooming plant species
Plant species can influence the pollination and reproductive success of coflowering neighbors that share pollinators. Because some individual pollinators habitually forage in particular areas, it is also possible that plant species could influence the pollination of neighbors that bloom later. When flowers of a preferred forage plant decline in an area, site-fidelity may cause individual flower feeders to stay in an area and switch plant species rather than search for preferred plants in a new location. A newly blooming plant species may quickly inherit a set of visitors from a prior plant species, and therefore experience higher pollination success than it would in an area where the first species never bloomed. To test this, we manipulated the placement and timing of two plant species, Delphinium barbeyi and later-blooming Gentiana parryi. We recorded the responses of individually marked bumble bee pollinators. About 63% of marked individuals returned repeatedly to the same areas to forage on Delphinium. When Delphinium was experimentally taken out of bloom, most of those site-faithful individuals (78%) stayed and switched to Gentiana. Consequently, Gentiana flowers received more visits in areas where Delphinium had previously flowered, compared to areas where Delphinium was still flowering or never occurred. Gentiana stigmas received more pollen in areas where Delphinium disappeared than where it never bloomed, indicating that Delphinium increases the pollination of Gentiana when they are separated in time. Overall, we show that individual bumble bees are often site-faithful, causing one plant species to increase the pollination of another even when separated in time, which is a novel mechanism of pollination facilitation., Keywords: associational effects, availability, Bombus, bumble-bees, communities, competition, facilitation, floral resource, foraging behavior, foraging bumblebees, hymenoptera, interspecific pollen transfer, magnet species effect, phenology, plant-pollinator interaction, pollination, ranunculaceae, resource depletion, rufous hummingbirds, sequential mutualism, site fidelity, visitation, Publication Note: The publisher’s version of record is available at
Sliding of centrosome-unattached microtubules defines key features of neuronal phenotype.
Sliding of centrosome-unattached microtubules defines key features of neuronal phenotype.
Contemporary models for neuronal migration are grounded in the view that virtually all functionally relevant microtubules (MTs) in migrating neurons are attached to the centrosome, which occupies a position between the nucleus and a short leading process. It is assumed that MTs do not undergo independent movements but rather transduce forces that enable movements of the centrosome and nucleus. The present results demonstrate that although this is mostly true, a small fraction of the MTs are centrosome-unattached, and this permits limited sliding of MTs. When this sliding is pharmacologically inhibited, the leading process becomes shorter, migration of the neuron deviates from its normal path, and the MTs within the leading process become buckled. Partial depletion of ninein, a protein that attaches MTs to the centrosome, leads to greater numbers of centrosome-unattached MTs as well as greater sliding of MTs. Concomitantly, the soma becomes less mobile and the leading process acquires an elongated morphology akin to an axon., Grant Number: F31 NS093748, P41 GM103431, R01 NS028785, R56 NS028785, Publication Note: This NIH-funded author manuscript originally appeared in PubMed Central at
Spatial Variation In Exploited Metapopulations Obscures Risk Of Collapse
Spatial Variation In Exploited Metapopulations Obscures Risk Of Collapse
Unanticipated declines among exploited species have commonly occurred despite harvests that appeared sustainable prior to collapse. This is particularly true in the oceans where spatial scales of management are often mismatched with spatially complex metapopulations. We explore causes, consequences, and potential solutions for spatial mismatches in harvested metapopulations in three ways. First, we generate novel theory illustrating when and how harvesting metapopulations increases spatial variability and in turn masks local-scale volatility. Second, we illustrate why spatial variability in harvested metapopulations leads to negative consequences using an empirical example of a Pacific herring metapopulation. Finally, we construct a numerical management strategy evaluation model to identify and highlight potential solutions for mismatches in spatial scale and spatial variability. Our results highlight that spatial complexity can promote stability at large scales, however, ignoring spatial complexity produces cryptic and negative consequences for people and animals that interact with resources at small scales. Harvesting metapopulations magnifies spatial variability, which creates discrepancies between regional and local trends while increasing risk of local population collapses. Such effects asymmetrically impact locally constrained fishers and predators, which are more exposed to risks of localized collapses. Importantly, we show that dynamically optimizing harvest can minimize local risk without sacrificing yield. Thus, multiple nested scales of management may be necessary to avoid cryptic collapses in metapopulations and the ensuing ecological, social, and economic consequences., conservation, foraging behavior, reef fishes, risk assessment, population dynamics, feeding site fidelity, herring, humpback whales, metapopulation, natural resource management, pacific-ocean, population diversity, puget-sound, scale mismatches, sea lions, spatial fisheries, sustainable fisheries, whales orcinus-orca, The publisher's version of record is availible at
Spatio-temporal re-organization of replication foci accompanies replication domain consolidation during human pluripotent stem cell lineage specification.
Spatio-temporal re-organization of replication foci accompanies replication domain consolidation during human pluripotent stem cell lineage specification.
Lineage specification of both mouse and human pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) is accompanied by spatial consolidation of chromosome domains and temporal consolidation of their replication timing. Replication timing and chromatin organization are both established during G1 phase at the timing decision point (TDP). Here, we have developed live cell imaging tools to track spatio-temporal replication domain consolidation during differentiation. First, we demonstrate that the fluorescence ubiquitination cell cycle indicator (Fucci) system is incapable of demarcating G1/S or G2/M cell cycle transitions. Instead, we employ a combination of fluorescent PCNA to monitor S phase progression, cytokinesis to demarcate mitosis, and fluorescent nucleotides to label early and late replication foci and track their 3D organization into sub-nuclear chromatin compartments throughout all cell cycle transitions. We find that, as human PSCs differentiate, the length of S phase devoted to replication of spatially clustered replication foci increases, coincident with global compartmentalization of domains into temporally clustered blocks of chromatin. Importantly, re-localization and anchorage of domains was completed prior to the onset of S phase, even in the context of an abbreviated PSC G1 phase. This approach can also be employed to investigate cell fate transitions in single PSCs, which could be seen to differentiate preferentially from G1 phase. Together, our results establish real-time, live-cell imaging methods for tracking cell cycle transitions during human PSC differentiation that can be applied to study chromosome domain consolidation and other aspects of lineage specification., Keywords: Fucci, G1/S, PCNA, Differentiation, Replication domains, Replication foci, Stem cells, Grant Number: P01 GM085354, Publication Note: This NIH-funded author manuscript originally appeared in PubMed Central at
Spindly Is Required For Rapid Migration Of Human Cells
Spindly Is Required For Rapid Migration Of Human Cells
Dynein is the sole processive minus-end-directed microtubule motor found in animals. It has roles in cell division, membrane trafficking, and cell migration. Together with dynactin, dynein regulates centrosomal orientation to establish and maintain cell polarity, controls focal adhesion turnover and anchors microtubules at the leading edge. In higher eukaryotes, dynein/dynactin requires additional components such as Bicaudal D to form an active motor complex and for regulating its cellular localization. Spindly is a protein that targets dynein/dynactin to kinetochores in mitosis and can activate its motility in vitro. However, no role for Spindly in interphase dynein/dynactin function has been found. We show that Spindly binds to the cell cortex and microtubule tips and colocalizes with dynein/dynactin at the leading edge of migrating U2OS cells and primary fibroblasts. U2OS cells that lack Spindly migrated slower in 2D than control cells, although centrosome polarization appeared to happen properly in the absence of Spindly. Re-expression of Spindly rescues migration, but the expression of a mutant, which is defective for dynactin binding, failed to rescue this defect. Taken together, these data demonstrate that Spindly plays an important role in mediating a subset of dynein/dynactin's function in cell migration., Keywords: Migration, actin, endothelial-cells, cytoplasmic dynein, dynactin, Dynein/Dynactin, end tracking, focal adhesion dynamics, Kinetochore, leading-edge, lissencephaly gene, microtubule-organizing centers, plus ends, Publication Note: The publisher’s version of record is available at
Spindly is required for rapid migration of human cells.
Spindly is required for rapid migration of human cells.
Dynein is the sole processive minus-end-directed microtubule motor found in animals. It has roles in cell division, membrane trafficking, and cell migration. Together with dynactin, dynein regulates centrosomal orientation to establish and maintain cell polarity, controls focal adhesion turnover and anchors microtubules at the leading edge. In higher eukaryotes, dynein/dynactin requires additional components such as Bicaudal D to form an active motor complex and for regulating its cellular localization. Spindly is a protein that targets dynein/dynactin to kinetochores in mitosis and can activate its motility However, no role for Spindly in interphase dynein/dynactin function has been found. We show that Spindly binds to the cell cortex and microtubule tips and colocalizes with dynein/dynactin at the leading edge of migrating U2OS cells and primary fibroblasts. U2OS cells that lack Spindly migrated slower in 2D than control cells, although centrosome polarization appeared to happen properly in the absence of Spindly. Re-expression of Spindly rescues migration, but the expression of a mutant, which is defective for dynactin binding, failed to rescue this defect. Taken together, these data demonstrate that Spindly plays an important role in mediating a subset of dynein/dynactin's function in cell migration., Keywords: Dynein/Dynactin, Kinetochore, Migration, Publication Note: This NIH-funded author manuscript originally appeared in PubMed Central at
Stability of patient-specific features of altered DNA replication timing in xenografts of primary human acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Stability of patient-specific features of altered DNA replication timing in xenografts of primary human acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Genome-wide DNA replication timing (RT) profiles reflect the global three-dimensional chromosome architecture of cells. They also provide a comprehensive and unique megabase-scale picture of cellular epigenetic state. Thus, normal differentiation involves reproducible changes in RT, and transformation generally perturbs these, although the potential effects of altered RT on the properties of transformed cells remain largely unknown. A major challenge to interrogating these issues in human acute lymphoid leukemia (ALL) is the low proliferative activity of most of the cells, which may be further reduced in cryopreserved samples and difficult to overcome in vitro. In contrast, the ability of many human ALL cell populations to expand when transplanted into highly immunodeficient mice is well documented. To examine the stability of DNA RT profiles of serially passaged xenografts of primary human B- and T-ALL cells, we first devised a method that circumvents the need for bromodeoxyuridine incorporation to distinguish early versus late S-phase cells. Using this and more standard protocols, we found consistently strong retention in xenografts of the original patient-specific RT features. Moreover, in a case in which genomic analyses indicated changing subclonal dynamics in serial passages, the RT profiles tracked concordantly. These results indicate that DNA RT is a relatively stable feature of human ALLs propagated in immunodeficient mice. In addition, they suggest the power of this approach for future interrogation of the origin and consequences of altered DNA RT in ALL., Grant Number: P01 GM085354, R01 GM083337, R21 CA161666, Publication Note: This NIH-funded author manuscript originally appeared in PubMed Central at
Stereocilia-staircase spacing is influenced by myosin III motors and their cargos espin-1 and espin-like.
Stereocilia-staircase spacing is influenced by myosin III motors and their cargos espin-1 and espin-like.
Hair cells tightly control the dimensions of their stereocilia, which are actin-rich protrusions with graded heights that mediate mechanotransduction in the inner ear. Two members of the myosin-III family, MYO3A and MYO3B, are thought to regulate stereocilia length by transporting cargos that control actin polymerization at stereocilia tips. We show that eliminating espin-1 (ESPN-1), an isoform of ESPN and a myosin-III cargo, dramatically alters the slope of the stereocilia staircase in a subset of hair cells. Furthermore, we show that espin-like (ESPNL), primarily present in developing stereocilia, is also a myosin-III cargo and is essential for normal hearing. ESPN-1 and ESPNL each bind MYO3A and MYO3B, but differentially influence how the two motors function. Consequently, functional properties of different motor-cargo combinations differentially affect molecular transport and the length of actin protrusions. This mechanism is used by hair cells to establish the required range of stereocilia lengths within a single cell., Grant Number: P30 EY010572, S10 OD012246, P30 DC005983, R01 DC002368, R01 DC011034, R01 EY018141, P30 CA069533, Publication Note: This NIH-funded author manuscript originally appeared in PubMed Central at
Strategically Designed Marine Reserve Networks Are Robust To Climate Change Driven Shifts In Population Connectivity
Strategically Designed Marine Reserve Networks Are Robust To Climate Change Driven Shifts In Population Connectivity
Marine reserves can be effective conservation and fishery management tools, particularly when their design accounts for spatial population connectivity. Yet climate change is expected to significantly alter larval connectivity of many marine species, questioning whether marine reserves designed today will still be effective in the future. Here we predict how alternative marine reserve designs will affect fishery yields. We apply a range of empirically-grounded scenarios for future larval dispersal to fishery models of seven species currently managed through marine reserves in the nearshore waters in Southern California, USA. We show that networks of reserves optimized for future climate conditions differ substantially from networks designed for today's conditions. However, the benefits of redesign are modest: a set of reserves designed for current conditions commonly produces outcomes within 10% of the best redesigned network, and far outperforms haphazardly designed networks. Thus, investing in the strategic design of marine reserves networks today may pay dividends even if the networks are not modified to keep up with environmental change., management, dispersal, science, ocean, climate change, biodiversity, marine reserves, biological connectivity, fishing, marine protected areas, protected areas, The publisher's version of record is availible at
Structural Heterogeneity in Pre-40S Ribosomes.
Structural Heterogeneity in Pre-40S Ribosomes.
Late-stage 40S ribosome assembly is a highly regulated dynamic process that occurs in the cytoplasm, alongside the full translation machinery. Seven assembly factors (AFs) regulate and facilitate maturation, but the mechanisms through which they work remain undetermined. Here, we present a series of structures of the immature small subunit (pre-40S) determined by three-dimensional (3D) cryoelectron microscopy with 3D sorting to assess the molecule's heterogeneity. These structures demonstrate an extensive structural heterogeneity of interface AFs that likely regulates subunit joining during 40S maturation. We also present structural models for the beak and the platform, two regions where the low resolution of previous studies did not allow for localization of AFs and the rRNA, respectively. These models are supported by biochemical analyses using point variants and suggest that maturation of the 18S 3' end is regulated by dissociation of the AF Dim1 from the subunit interface, consistent with previous biochemical analyses., Keywords: Cryo-EM, Pre-40S ribosome, Ribosome assembly, Ribosome biogenesis, Small subunit assembly, Grant Number: R01 GM086451, R01 GM117093, S10 OD018142, S10 RR025080, Publication Note: This NIH-funded author manuscript originally appeared in PubMed Central at
Structural Insights Into Human Bocaparvoviruses
Structural Insights Into Human Bocaparvoviruses
Bocaparvoviruses are emerging pathogens of the Parvoviridae family. Human bocavirus 1 (HBoV1) causes severe respiratory infections and HBoV2 to HBoV4 cause gastrointestinal infections in young children. Recent reports of life-threatening cases, lack of direct treatment or vaccination, and a limited understanding of their disease mechanisms highlight the need to study these pathogens on a molecular and structural level for the development of therapeutics. Toward this end, the capsid structures of HBoV1, HBoV3, and HBoV4 were determined to a resolution of 2.8 to 3.0 angstrom by cryo-electron microscopy and three-dimensional image reconstruction. The bocaparvovirus capsids, which display different tissue tropisms, have features in common with other parvoviruses, such as depressions at the icosahedral 2-fold symmetry axis and surrounding the 5-fold symmetry axis, protrusions surrounding the 3-fold symmetry axis, and a channel at the 5-fold symmetry axis. However, unlike other parvoviruses, densities extending the 5-fold channel into the capsid interior are conserved among the bocaparvoviruses and are suggestive of a genus-specific function. Additionally, their major viral protein 3 contains loops with variable regions at their apexes conferring capsid surface topologies different from those of other parvoviruses. Structural comparisons at the strain (HBoV) and genus (bovine parvovirus and HBoV) levels identified differences in surface loops that are functionally important in host/tissue tropism, pathogenicity, and antigenicity in other parvoviruses and likely play similar roles in these viruses. This study thus provides a structural framework to characterize determinants of host/tissue tropism, pathogenicity, and antigenicity for the development of antiviral strategies to control human bocavirus infections. IMPORTANCE Human bocaviruses are one of only a few members of the Parvoviridae family pathogenic to humans, especially young children and immunocompromised adults. There are currently no treatments or vaccines for these viruses or the related enteric bocaviruses. This study obtained the first high-resolution structures of three human bocaparvoviruses determined by cryo-reconstruction. HBoV1 infects the respiratory tract, and HBoV3 and HBoV4 infect the gastrointestinal tract, tissues that are likely targeted by the capsid. Comparison of these viruses provides information on conserved bocaparvovirus-specific features and variable regions resulting in unique surface topologies that can serve as guides to characterize HBoV determinants of tissue tropism and antigenicity in future experiments. Based on the comparison to other existing parvovirus capsid structures, this study suggests capsid regions that likely control successful infection, including determinants of receptor attachment, host cell trafficking, and antigenic reactivity. Overall, these observations could impact efforts to design antiviral strategies and vaccines for HBoVs., Keywords: cryoelectron microscopy, adenoassociated virus, capsid, capsid proteins, cryo-EM, frequent detection, gastrointestinal infection, gene-transfer, HBoV, human bocavirus infection, human bocaviruses, parvovirus, parvovirus minute virus, phospholipase-a2 activity, respiratory infection, respiratory-tract infections, type-2 capsids, Publication Note: The publisher's version of record is available at
Structural Insights into Human Bocaparvoviruses.
Structural Insights into Human Bocaparvoviruses.
Bocaparvoviruses are emerging pathogens of the family. Human bocavirus 1 (HBoV1) causes severe respiratory infections and HBoV2 to HBoV4 cause gastrointestinal infections in young children. Recent reports of life-threatening cases, lack of direct treatment or vaccination, and a limited understanding of their disease mechanisms highlight the need to study these pathogens on a molecular and structural level for the development of therapeutics. Toward this end, the capsid structures of HBoV1, HBoV3, and HBoV4 were determined to a resolution of 2.8 to 3.0 Å by cryo-electron microscopy and three-dimensional image reconstruction. The bocaparvovirus capsids, which display different tissue tropisms, have features in common with other parvoviruses, such as depressions at the icosahedral 2-fold symmetry axis and surrounding the 5-fold symmetry axis, protrusions surrounding the 3-fold symmetry axis, and a channel at the 5-fold symmetry axis. However, unlike other parvoviruses, densities extending the 5-fold channel into the capsid interior are conserved among the bocaparvoviruses and are suggestive of a genus-specific function. Additionally, their major viral protein 3 contains loops with variable regions at their apexes conferring capsid surface topologies different from those of other parvoviruses. Structural comparisons at the strain (HBoV) and genus (bovine parvovirus and HBoV) levels identified differences in surface loops that are functionally important in host/tissue tropism, pathogenicity, and antigenicity in other parvoviruses and likely play similar roles in these viruses. This study thus provides a structural framework to characterize determinants of host/tissue tropism, pathogenicity, and antigenicity for the development of antiviral strategies to control human bocavirus infections. Human bocaviruses are one of only a few members of the family pathogenic to humans, especially young children and immunocompromised adults. There are currently no treatments or vaccines for these viruses or the related enteric bocaviruses. This study obtained the first high-resolution structures of three human bocaparvoviruses determined by cryo-reconstruction. HBoV1 infects the respiratory tract, and HBoV3 and HBoV4 infect the gastrointestinal tract, tissues that are likely targeted by the capsid. Comparison of these viruses provides information on conserved bocaparvovirus-specific features and variable regions resulting in unique surface topologies that can serve as guides to characterize HBoV determinants of tissue tropism and antigenicity in future experiments. Based on the comparison to other existing parvovirus capsid structures, this study suggests capsid regions that likely control successful infection, including determinants of receptor attachment, host cell trafficking, and antigenic reactivity. Overall, these observations could impact efforts to design antiviral strategies and vaccines for HBoVs., Keywords: HBoV, Capsid, Cryo-EM, Gastrointestinal infection, Human bocaviruses, Parvovirus, Respiratory infection, Grant Number: S10 RR025080, R37 GM033050, R01 GM033050, S10 OD018142, R01 GM082946, U24 GM116788, Publication Note: This NIH-funded author manuscript originally appeared in PubMed Central at
Structure of Simian Immunodeficiency Virus Envelope Spikes Bound with CD4 and Monoclonal Antibody 36D5.
Structure of Simian Immunodeficiency Virus Envelope Spikes Bound with CD4 and Monoclonal Antibody 36D5.
The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)/simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) envelope spike (Env) mediates viral entry into host cells. The V3 loop of the gp120 component of the Env trimer contributes to the coreceptor binding site and is a target for neutralizing antibodies. We used cryo-electron tomography to visualize the binding of CD4 and the V3 loop monoclonal antibody (MAb) 36D5 to gp120 of the SIV Env trimer. Our results show that 36D5 binds gp120 at the base of the V3 loop and suggest that the antibody exerts its neutralization effect by blocking the coreceptor binding site. The antibody does this without altering the dynamics of the spike motion between closed and open states when CD4 is bound. The interaction between 36D5 and SIV gp120 is similar to the interaction between some broadly neutralizing anti-V3 loop antibodies and HIV-1 gp120. Two conformations of gp120 bound with CD4 are revealed, suggesting an intrinsic dynamic nature of the liganded Env trimer. CD4 binding substantially increases the binding of 36D5 to gp120 in the intact Env trimer, consistent with CD4-induced changes in the conformation of gp120 and the antibody binding site. Binding by MAb 36D5 does not substantially alter the proportions of the two CD4-bound conformations. The position of MAb 36D5 at the V3 base changes little between conformations, indicating that the V3 base serves as a pivot point during the transition between these two states. Glycoprotein spikes on the surfaces of SIV and HIV are the sole targets available to the immune system for antibody neutralization. Spikes evade the immune system by a combination of a thick layer of polysaccharide on the surface (the glycan shield) and movement between spike domains that masks the epitope conformation. Using SIV virions whose spikes were "decorated" with the primary cellular receptor (CD4) and an antibody (36D5) at part of the coreceptor binding site, we visualized multiple conformations trapped by the rapid freezing step, which were separated using statistical analysis. Our results show that the CD4-induced conformational dynamics of the spike enhances binding of the antibody., Keywords: AIDS, HIV, Cryo-electron tomography, Electron microscopy, Image processing, Immunology, Grant Number: R01 AI055461, Publication Note: This NIH-funded author manuscript originally appeared in PubMed Central at
Synchrotron-generated Microbeams Induce Hippocampal Transections In Rats
Synchrotron-generated Microbeams Induce Hippocampal Transections In Rats
Synchrotron-generated microplanar beams (microbeams) provide the most stereo-selective irradiation modality known today. This novel irradiation modality has been shown to control seizures originating from eloquent cortex causing no neurological deficit in experimental animals. To test the hypothesis that application of microbeams in the hippocampus, the most common source of refractory seizures, is safe and does not induce severe side effects, we used microbeams to induce transections to the hippocampus of healthy rats. An array of parallel microbeams carrying an incident dose of 600 Gy was delivered to the rat hippocampus. Immunohistochemistry of phosphorylated gamma-H2AX showed cell death along the microbeam irradiation paths in rats 48 hours after irradiation. No evident behavioral or neurological deficits were observed during the 3-month period of observation. MR imaging showed no signs of radio-induced edema or radionecrosis 3 months after irradiation. Histological analysis showed a very well preserved hippocampal cytoarchitecture and confirmed the presence of clear-cut microscopic transections across the hippocampus. These data support the use of synchrotron-generated microbeams as a novel tool to slice the hippocampus of living rats in a minimally invasive way, providing (i) a novel experimental model to study hippocampal function and (ii) a new treatment tool for patients affected by refractory epilepsy induced by mesial temporal sclerosis., Keywords: model, surgery, monte-carlo simulations, epilepsy, radiation-therapy mrt, stereotactic radiosurgery, surgical-treatment, Publication Note: The publisher's version of record is available at
Synchrotron-generated microbeams induce hippocampal transections in rats.
Synchrotron-generated microbeams induce hippocampal transections in rats.
Synchrotron-generated microplanar beams (microbeams) provide the most stereo-selective irradiation modality known today. This novel irradiation modality has been shown to control seizures originating from eloquent cortex causing no neurological deficit in experimental animals. To test the hypothesis that application of microbeams in the hippocampus, the most common source of refractory seizures, is safe and does not induce severe side effects, we used microbeams to induce transections to the hippocampus of healthy rats. An array of parallel microbeams carrying an incident dose of 600 Gy was delivered to the rat hippocampus. Immunohistochemistry of phosphorylated γ-H2AX showed cell death along the microbeam irradiation paths in rats 48 hours after irradiation. No evident behavioral or neurological deficits were observed during the 3-month period of observation. MR imaging showed no signs of radio-induced edema or radionecrosis 3 months after irradiation. Histological analysis showed a very well preserved hippocampal cytoarchitecture and confirmed the presence of clear-cut microscopic transections across the hippocampus. These data support the use of synchrotron-generated microbeams as a novel tool to slice the hippocampus of living rats in a minimally invasive way, providing (i) a novel experimental model to study hippocampal function and (ii) a new treatment tool for patients affected by refractory epilepsy induced by mesial temporal sclerosis., Publication Note: This NIH-funded author manuscript originally appeared in PubMed Central at
