- "Home of Tallahassee Girl", Tallahassee, Fla.
- 16 Years a Founder
- 1954 Summer Session listing of conferences and workshops
- Administration Building
- Administration Building, Florida State College for Women, Tallahassee, Fla.
- Aerial View of Florida State University
- Affirmative Action Quarterly
- Age-Old Monarch of the South
- Amazing Grace
- Annals of the School of Music
- Announcement for 1959-60 Lecture Series
- Announcement for Linus Pauling lecture (1958 Beth Walton Moor Lecturer)
- Athanor
- Baccalaureate Service, 1956
- Baccalaureate Services, 1954
- Black insight: A guide for minority students at Florida State University
- Broward Hall
- Broward Hall
- Broward Hall
- Broward Hall, Dormitory, Florida State College for Women, Tallahassee, Fla.