- Bryan Hall
- Bryan Hall
- Bryan Hall and Sunken Garden, Florida State College for Women, Tallahassee, Fla.
- Bryan, Reynolds and Jennie Murphree Halls, Florida State College for Women, Tallahassee, Fla.
- Bryan, Reynolds, and Jennie Murphree Halls
- Camp Flastacowo
- Campus Scene
- City Office Building, Tallahassee, Fla.
- Class of 1950 Investiture
- Class of 1951 Investiture
- Class of 1952 Investiture
- Class of 1953 Investiture
- Class of 1954 Investiture
- Class of 1955 Investiture
- Class of 1956 Investiture
- Class of 1957 Investiture
- Class of 1958 Investiture
- Class of 1959 Investiture
- Commencement Programs
- Corner of the Campus