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Department of Human Development and Family Science

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Adapting a Parenting Intervention for Parents Aging Out of the Child Welfare System
Adapting a Parenting Intervention for Parents Aging Out of the Child Welfare System
Adapting the Ideas of Translational Science for Translational Family Science.
Adapting the Ideas of Translational Science for Translational Family Science.
Association between Romantic Relationships and Delinquency in Adolescence and Young Adulthood.
Association between Romantic Relationships and Delinquency in Adolescence and Young Adulthood.
Augmenting antidepressant medication treatment of depressed women with emotionally focused therapy for couples
Augmenting antidepressant medication treatment of depressed women with emotionally focused therapy for couples
Burnout Stigma Inventory
Burnout Stigma Inventory
Continuation of Intimate Partner Violence from Adolescence to Young Adulthood.
Continuation of Intimate Partner Violence from Adolescence to Young Adulthood.
Dyadic Processes in Early Marriage
Dyadic Processes in Early Marriage
Facial Affective Behavior In Borderline Personality Disorder Indicating Two Different Clusters And Their Influence On Inpatient Treatment Outcome
Facial Affective Behavior In Borderline Personality Disorder Indicating Two Different Clusters And Their Influence On Inpatient Treatment Outcome
Getting Under the Skin
Getting Under the Skin
Indirect Effects of Emotion Regulation on Peer Acceptance and Rejection:The Roles of Positive and Negative Social Behaviors.
Indirect Effects of Emotion Regulation on Peer Acceptance and Rejection:The Roles of Positive and Negative Social Behaviors.
Intergenerational transmission of relationship aggression
Intergenerational transmission of relationship aggression
Latino parent acculturation stress
Latino parent acculturation stress
Measuring negative emotionality using the infant behavior questionnaire-revised very short form in a low income, diverse sample.
Measuring negative emotionality using the infant behavior questionnaire-revised very short form in a low income, diverse sample.
Nonstandard maternal work schedules and infant mental health in impoverished families
Nonstandard maternal work schedules and infant mental health in impoverished families
Perceived weight discrimination, changes in health, and daily stressors.
Perceived weight discrimination, changes in health, and daily stressors.
Personal and cultural identity development in recently immigrated Hispanic adolescents
Personal and cultural identity development in recently immigrated Hispanic adolescents
School Burnout Inventory
School Burnout Inventory
Trajectories of Conflict over Raising Adolescent Children and Marital Satisfaction.
Trajectories of Conflict over Raising Adolescent Children and Marital Satisfaction.
Trajectories of cultural stressors and effects on mental health and substance use among Hispanic immigrant adolescents.
Trajectories of cultural stressors and effects on mental health and substance use among Hispanic immigrant adolescents.
