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Acton Ostling was a pioneer in providing empirical evidence that certain compositions are worth consideration due to their acceptance, skill and degree of serious artistic merit. His research allowed band directors to sort through a relatively young band repertoire, but did not provide them with a method for facing a much more difficult task: to discover and utilize resources for the preparation and performance of quality wind works. A review of related literature suggested a need to discover, catalog and describe what research is available on works that the profession considers its canon. The purpose of this project was to identify relevant analytical research on wind band core repertoire. This project sought to answer the following research questions. 1) How much research is available on compositions that our profession has deemed to be of serious artistic merit? 2) What taxonomy can be developed to analyze the depth of a research article? 3) What type and to what depth are the analyses on each work? 4) What compositions have been inadequately addressed through research? The core repertoire, for the purposes of this study, was defined as those compositions deemed to be of serious artistic merit in two of three studies based on Acton Ostling's research (N=107). Analytical research was found for each of the compositions utilizing online database search engines and print resources. Based on the initial search parameters, 963 citations were found regarding core repertoire. The data were categorized using a five-tiered taxonomy. Tier one research was further analyzed and annotated for future reference. Results indicate a growing body of analytical research regarding the selected compositions. The depth of the individual analytical studies varies greatly, from annotations to full dissertation-length documents focusing on one composition. A percentage (19%) of this selected core repertoire has no or little known in-depth research associated with it. Results suggest a need for further scholarship not only with regards to analyzing under-represented works, but also with making such analysis research available to a larger population of the profession via inclusion in standard database search engines and print sources. Additionally, such research may provide a method with which to catalog and categorize other research, analytical and otherwise, and could provide a starting point in programming and preparing works of value.
A Dissertation submitted to the College of Music in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
Bibliography Note
Includes bibliographical references.
Advisory Committee
Richard Clary, Professor Directing Dissertation; Alexander Jimenez, University Representative; Patrick Dunnigan, Committee Member; Clifford Madsen, Committee Member.
Florida State University
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