Claude Pepper Diary 1981
211 pages
Use of this item is provided for non-commercial, personal, educational, and research use only. For information about the copyright and reproduction rights for this item, please contact the Claude Pepper Library, Florida State University Libraries:
No known restrictions.
Claude Pepper Papers, 1900-1989
During digitization of original diary, sequences of more than three blank pages--i.e., completely blank or with printed/standard text such as calendar dates, etc., but no handwritten text--were not scanned. These gaps are indicated with a replacement image displayed at the point at which the blank pages began and stating the extent of the omitted pages.
Claude Pepper Library, Florida State University Libraries, Tallahassee, Florida.
Claude Pepper's diary for 1981
211 pages
Use of this item is provided for non-commercial, personal, educational, and research use only. For information about the copyright and reproduction rights for this item, please contact the Claude Pepper Library, Florida State University Libraries:
No known restrictions.
Claude Pepper Papers
Transcript copies also available.
During digitization, sequences of more than three blank pages--i.e., completely blank or with printed/standard text such as calendar dates, etc., but no handwritten text--were not scanned. These gaps are indicated with a replacement image displayed at the point at which the blank pages began and stating the extent of the omitted pages
Claude Pepper Library, Florida State University Libraries
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