Le Moniteur universel
Gazette nationale
47 cm.
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Agasse, [1790-1868]
1799-1869 (except July 8, 1814-Feb. 1, 1855) as the official government journal.
Numbering varies from: semester 1-2 1789-1791, 1706-1851,1824-26; to volumes 53-68; also v.1 1816=tom. 1 -- v.68 1823=tom. 2; and AN 3 1794 to AN 13 1805
Issues for Nov. 24, 1789-Dec. 31, 1817 also numbered v. 1-56.
May 5-Nov. 23, 1789 issued in introductory vol. issued in 1796.
Title varies: 1789-Dec. 30, 1810, Gazette nationale; ou, Le Moniteur universel.
Special Collections & Archives, Florida State University Libraries, Tallahassee, Florida.
The French Revolution and Napoleon Collection
Gazette nationale, ou le moniteur universel
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47 cm.
4 p.
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Agasse, [1790-1868]
1799-1869 (except July 8, 1814-Feb. 1, 1855) as the official government journal.
Numbering varies from: semester 1-2 1789-1791, 1706-1851, 1824-26; to volumes 53-68; also v.1 1816=tom. 1 -- v.68 1823=tom. 2; and AN 3 1794 to AN 13 1805
Issues for Nov. 24, 1789-Dec. 31, 1817 also numbered v. 1-56.
May 5-Nov. 23, 1789 issued in introductory vol. issued in 1796.
Title varies: 1789-Dec. 30, 1810, Gazette nationale; ou, Le Moniteur universel.
DC1 .M5
Special Collections & Archives, Florida State University Libraries, Tallahassee, Florida.
The French Revolution and Napoleon Collection
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