Farewell Enchanting Hope
Farewell, enchanting hope! Farewell!
Lessing, Felix (composer) S. E. H. (lyricist) Breckenridge, Robt. Mrs. (dedicatee) Geo. Dunn & Compy (lithographer)
Sheet music Songs
3 pages
FSUML-CSMC-H3452 Hoogerwerf 3452 Rivest 85
Music Breckenridge, Robt Mrs. 1860-1869
Confederate States Classical Series of Song and Ballad Music.
Geo. Dunn & Compy
Richmond, Virginia
"From Dr. A - - to the ladies generally" inscribed on cover page "Dedicated to Mrs. Robt. Breckenridge, of Kentucky." from cover page
M2.3 .C61 C6
voice piano
Confederate Sheet Music Collection, courtesy of Warren D. Allen Music Library, The Florida State University
Warren D. Allen Music Library
Confederate Sheet Music Collection Goodspeed Collection
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