Yes we think of thee at home: Answer to Do They Think of Me at Home
Ilsley, E. Clarke (composer) Hewitt, John Hill 1801-1890 (lyricist) Yonge, Letty Miss (dedicatee) J. T. Paterson & Co. (lithographer)
Sheet music Songs
3 pages
FSUML-CSMC-H3979 Hoogerwerf 3979 Rivest 319
Music Yonge, Letty
Blackmar & Bro.
Augusta, Georgia
"To Miss Letty Yonge" "Miss Dantzler Vance's Fery So. Car." inscribed on front page
M2.3 .C61 C6
voice piano
Confederate Sheet Music Collection, courtesy of Warren D. Allen Music Library, The Florida State University
Warren D. Allen Music Library
Confederate Sheet Music Collection Goodspeed Collection
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