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Some of the material in is restricted to members of the community. By logging in, you may be able to gain additional access to certain collections or items. If you have questions about access or logging in, please use the form on the Contact Page.
This is a book review essay, using Daniel Callahan's 2009 book, Taming the Beloved Beast: How Medical Technology Costs Are Destroying Our Health Care System, as the jumping off point. Kapp takes strong issue with Callahan's proposal...
There is an increasing incidence of dementia, depression and other affective disorders, delirium, and other mental health problems such as psychoses among older individuals in the United States. Because the severity of mental illness, in...
Human Biological Materials (HBM) come from individuals in a variety of circumstances. The use of HBM for research purposes raises a host of difficult ethical questions. The law is important in this arena because, in most cases, legal...
Most caregiving and companionship provided by family members and friends to older individuals in home environments occurs because of the caregiver's feelings of ethical and emotional obligation and attachment. From a legal perspective, ...
Some older individuals lack sufficient present cognitive and/or emotional ability to make and express autonomous decisions personally. In those situations, health care providers routinely turn to available formal or informal surrogates...
Issues frequently arise in Elder Law practice concerning the cognitive and emotional ability of an older individual to make legally significant decisions. The physicians who have treated the person whose competence is being called into...
Clinical depression is a serious medical problem in the older population. Although it is considered to be highly treatable, physicians and other health care professionals often are criticized for doing an inadequate job of recognizing, ...
The possibility of firearms ownership and possession by an older patient raises a number of issues with potential legal ramifications for the primary care physician. This article addresses some of the most salient of those law-related...
The Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST), otherwise known as the POLST paradigm, represents the next generation in end-of-life (EOL) planning for certain patients who wish to exercise prospective control over their own...
American culture and public policy have long held a split vision about the aged: vulnerability, dependency, and special need for law and policy to act as a protective shield versus the aged as independent, self-reliant, and capable of...
If you make health care decisions for another adult person—or might at some future point—this handbook is for you. Learn what it means to become a "health care substitute."
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