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16 items found in 2 collections [showing 1 - 16]
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Childhood in poetry: the forty-year history of a collection, 1929-1969
Childhood in poetry: the forty-year history of a collection, 1929-1969
Robert Burns, an inventory of Burnsiana in the John M. Shaw collection
Robert Burns, an inventory of Burnsiana in the John M. Shaw collection
Poetry of the Great War
Poetry of the Great War
Bibliography of works in English by William Butler Yeats
Bibliography of works in English by William Butler Yeats
Tribute to Lewis Carroll in his sesqui-centennial year: being an inventory of an exhibit in the Florida State University Library and of the Lewis-Carroll holdings in the John Mackay Shaw Poetry Collection
Tribute to Lewis Carroll in his sesqui-centennial year: being an inventory of an exhibit in the Florida State University Library and of the Lewis-Carroll holdings in the John Mackay Shaw Poetry Collection
Books of Scottish influence & significance
Books of Scottish influence & significance
Edward Lear's A Book of Nonsense
Edward Lear's A Book of Nonsense
John Mackay Shaw Collection of childhood in poetry
John Mackay Shaw Collection of childhood in poetry
parodies of Lewis Carroll and their originals
parodies of Lewis Carroll and their originals
poetry of sacred song
poetry of sacred song
John Mackay Shaw Collection and the Great War, 1914-1918
John Mackay Shaw Collection and the Great War, 1914-1918
newspaper poets
newspaper poets
Thomas Percy collection
Thomas Percy collection
Fore-edge paintings
Fore-edge paintings
poems, poets & illustrators of St. Nicholas magazine, 1873-1943
poems, poets & illustrators of St. Nicholas magazine, 1873-1943
Special collections
Special collections