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10 items found in collection [showing 1 - 10]
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Reproducible Social Work Research
Reproducible Social Work Research
Social work and the necessity of open access
Social work and the necessity of open access
Coronavirus and Inequality
Coronavirus and Inequality
Solving Problems in Everyday Living (SPIEL) Model
Solving Problems in Everyday Living (SPIEL) Model
Scientific practice in the time of COVID-19
Scientific practice in the time of COVID-19
Coronavirus as impetus for a lasting change in research culture
Coronavirus as impetus for a lasting change in research culture
Is it publish or perish?
Is it publish or perish?
Fast Science, Slow Science
Fast Science, Slow Science
Re:  Mandatory data and code sharing for research published by The BMJ
Re: Mandatory data and code sharing for research published by The BMJ
What role will social work have played in the opioid epidemic?
What role will social work have played in the opioid epidemic?