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8 items found in 2 collections [showing 1 - 8]
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Work-Family Conflict and Health Among Working Parents
Work-Family Conflict and Health Among Working Parents
Workplace Exposures and Cognitive Function During Adulthood
Workplace Exposures and Cognitive Function During Adulthood
Adapting the Ideas of Translational Science for Translational Family Science.
Adapting the Ideas of Translational Science for Translational Family Science.
Nonstandard maternal work schedules and infant mental health in impoverished families
Nonstandard maternal work schedules and infant mental health in impoverished families
Measuring negative emotionality using the infant behavior questionnaire-revised very short form in a low income, diverse sample.
Measuring negative emotionality using the infant behavior questionnaire-revised very short form in a low income, diverse sample.
Getting Under the Skin
Getting Under the Skin
Work, Family and Employee Health
Work, Family and Employee Health
Perceived weight discrimination, changes in health, and daily stressors.
Perceived weight discrimination, changes in health, and daily stressors.