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BDNF ValMet polymorphism is associated with structural neuroanatomical differences in young children.
BDNF ValMet polymorphism is associated with structural neuroanatomical differences in young children.
Comparison of whole-genome DNA methylation patterns in whole blood, saliva, and lymphoblastoid cell lines.
Comparison of whole-genome DNA methylation patterns in whole blood, saliva, and lymphoblastoid cell lines.
COMT Val/Met polymorphism is associated with reading-related skills and consistent patterns of functional neural activation.
COMT Val/Met polymorphism is associated with reading-related skills and consistent patterns of functional neural activation.
Schooling and variation in the COMT gene
BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism Influences Reading Ability and Patterns of Neural Activation in Children.
BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism Influences Reading Ability and Patterns of Neural Activation in Children.
Genome-Wide Association and Exome Sequencing Study of Language Disorder in an Isolated Population.
Genome-Wide Association and Exome Sequencing Study of Language Disorder in an Isolated Population.
Gene expression in the human brain
Gene expression in the human brain
Childhood adversity and DNA methylation of genes involved in the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and immune system
Childhood adversity and DNA methylation of genes involved in the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and immune system
Age-related changes of gene expression in the neocortex
Age-related changes of gene expression in the neocortex