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3 items found in 3 collections [showing 1 - 3]
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Neel-type Antiferromagnetic Order And Magnetic Field-temperature Phase Diagram In The Spin-1/2 Rare-earth Honeycomb Compound Ybcl3
Neel-type Antiferromagnetic Order And Magnetic Field-temperature Phase Diagram In The Spin-1/2 Rare-earth Honeycomb Compound Ybcl3
Reentrant Spin Glass State Induced By Structural Phase Transition In La0.4ce0.6co2p2
Reentrant Spin Glass State Induced By Structural Phase Transition In La0.4ce0.6co2p2
Thermodynamic Measurement of Angular Anisotropy at the Hidden Order Transition of URu2Si2
Thermodynamic Measurement of Angular Anisotropy at the Hidden Order Transition of URu2Si2