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3 items found in collection [showing 1 - 3]
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Fulde-ferrell-larkin-ovchinnikov Superconductivity In The Layered Organic Superconductor Beta ''-(bedt-ttf)(4)[(h3o)ga(c2o4)(3)]c6h5no2
Fulde-ferrell-larkin-ovchinnikov Superconductivity In The Layered Organic Superconductor Beta ''-(bedt-ttf)(4)[(h3o)ga(c2o4)(3)]c6h5no2
Fermi Surface Of Ptcoo2 From Quantum Oscillations And Electronic Structure Calculations
Fermi Surface Of Ptcoo2 From Quantum Oscillations And Electronic Structure Calculations
Interplanar coupling-dependent magnetoresistivity in high-purity layered metals
Interplanar coupling-dependent magnetoresistivity in high-purity layered metals