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14 items found in 9 collections [showing 1 - 14]
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Powers of attorney for Nicholas Ware Eppes
Powers of attorney for Nicholas Ware Eppes
Records of cotton sold by various merchants
Records of cotton sold by various merchants
Letter to Mrs. Martha L. H. Bradford
Letter to Mrs. Martha L. H. Bradford
Children's songs for town and country life
Children's songs for town and country life
Letter to excuse an enslaved person leaving without a permission slip
Letter to excuse an enslaved person leaving without a permission slip
Jeff's Double Quick
Jeff's Double Quick
Letter addressed to "My Dear Sis"
Letter addressed to "My Dear Sis"
Names of farmhands and credits collected against their debts
Names of farmhands and credits collected against their debts
consent form for an enslaved person to live in a house
consent form for an enslaved person to live in a house
Letter to Nicholas Ware Eppes from his mother
Letter to Nicholas Ware Eppes from his mother
Letter speaking about liquor allowance
Letter speaking about liquor allowance
aquatic party
aquatic party
Death of Stonewall Jackson
Death of Stonewall Jackson
influence of the Reformation on the Scottish character
influence of the Reformation on the Scottish character