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1145 items found in 29 collections [showing 1 - 50]


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Selection on a Modified Genetic Network with a Novel Artificial Link in Drosophila Melanogaster
Selection on a Modified Genetic Network with a Novel Artificial Link in Drosophila Melanogaster
Faculty, Staff, and Students in the Learning Resource Center, 1990s-2000s
Faculty, Staff, and Students in the Learning Resource Center, 1990s-2000s
Health Care Technology, Health Care Rationing, and Older Americans
Health Care Technology, Health Care Rationing, and Older Americans
Subsistence Patterns, Social Identity and Symbolism at the Early Formative Period Site          of Cantón Corralito, Chiapas, Mexico
Subsistence Patterns, Social Identity and Symbolism at the Early Formative Period Site of Cantón Corralito, Chiapas, Mexico
Navigating the Multicultural Imperative
Navigating the Multicultural Imperative
Law and Order, Accountability and Control
Law and Order, Accountability and Control
Power, Persuasion, and Heuristic Processing
Power, Persuasion, and Heuristic Processing
Sven-David Sandström's Five Pictures from the Bible
Sven-David Sandström's Five Pictures from the Bible
Learning Resource Center
Learning Resource Center
Krzysztof Wodiczko's "If You See Something…"
Krzysztof Wodiczko's "If You See Something…"
Prometheus: a directing project
Prometheus: a directing project
Thermodynamics of the Magnetic-Field-Induced "Normal" State in an Underdoped High T[subscript c] Superconductor
Thermodynamics of the Magnetic-Field-Induced "Normal" State in an Underdoped High T[subscript c] Superconductor
FSU Safe Zone Manual Draft
FSU Safe Zone Manual Draft
Marine Lab St. Teresa Turkey Point
Marine Lab St. Teresa Turkey Point
Beneficial Role of External Focus
Beneficial Role of External Focus
Does Dietary Fat Reduction Alter the Risk of Cardiovascular Events in Women?
Does Dietary Fat Reduction Alter the Risk of Cardiovascular Events in Women?
Learning Resource Center Staff
Learning Resource Center Staff
Learning Resource Center
Learning Resource Center
Modeling Snow Aggregates and Their Single Scattering Properties
Modeling Snow Aggregates and Their Single Scattering Properties
Southwest Campus
Southwest Campus
Florida State University - Panama City, 2000s
Florida State University - Panama City, 2000s
Preliminary Investigation into the Effects of a Brief Mindfulness Induction on          Perceptions of Attention, Aesthetic Response, and Flow during Music Listening
Preliminary Investigation into the Effects of a Brief Mindfulness Induction on Perceptions of Attention, Aesthetic Response, and Flow during Music Listening
Songs for Voice and Piano by Ronaldo Miranda
Songs for Voice and Piano by Ronaldo Miranda
Evaluative Metadata in Educational Digital Libraries
Evaluative Metadata in Educational Digital Libraries
Learning Resource Center Staff
Learning Resource Center Staff
Guilt and compulsive washing: an experimental test of interrelationships
Guilt and compulsive washing: an experimental test of interrelationships
Realization of Swarm Behavior in Wireless Communication Systems and Ad Hoc Sensor Networks
Realization of Swarm Behavior in Wireless Communication Systems and Ad Hoc Sensor Networks
Manipulatives in Writing
Manipulatives in Writing
Life and Career of James Edwin Croft
Life and Career of James Edwin Croft
Development of a Virtual Grid Interface for Phev Integration Analysis
Development of a Virtual Grid Interface for Phev Integration Analysis
Community Health Activities, 1990s
Community Health Activities, 1990s
Share Repurchase and CEO Bonus
Share Repurchase and CEO Bonus
Effectiveness of Economic Sanctions and Cultural Globalization
Effectiveness of Economic Sanctions and Cultural Globalization
Melancholic Depression and Its Relationship to Cognitive Decline
Melancholic Depression and Its Relationship to Cognitive Decline
School of Nursing Conference/Orientation, circa 2000
School of Nursing Conference/Orientation, circa 2000
Model for Assesing Future Retirment Adequacy of Recent College Graduates
Model for Assesing Future Retirment Adequacy of Recent College Graduates
Miscellaneous Faculty and Staff, 2000s
Miscellaneous Faculty and Staff, 2000s
Validation of the Substance Use Risk Profile Scale (SURPS) in Treatment-Seeking Substance Abusers Using Cue Reactivity Methodology
Validation of the Substance Use Risk Profile Scale (SURPS) in Treatment-Seeking Substance Abusers Using Cue Reactivity Methodology
Learning Resource Center Staff
Learning Resource Center Staff
"Substituting a New Order"
"Substituting a New Order"
Impact of Legal Inequality on Power Dynamics and Parental Identity in Planned Lesbian Families
Impact of Legal Inequality on Power Dynamics and Parental Identity in Planned Lesbian Families
Impact of a Standardized Cognitive Information Processing Intervention on the          Career Decision State of at-Risk Youth
Impact of a Standardized Cognitive Information Processing Intervention on the Career Decision State of at-Risk Youth
Tallahassee High Altitude Vertical Aerial
Tallahassee High Altitude Vertical Aerial
Psycholinguistic Investigation of Grammatical Class in Second Language Lexical          Processing
Psycholinguistic Investigation of Grammatical Class in Second Language Lexical Processing
Faculty, Staff, and Students in the Learning Resource Center, 1990s-2000s
Faculty, Staff, and Students in the Learning Resource Center, 1990s-2000s
Do Macro Contexts of Women's Controllability Perpetuate Men's Control-Seeking and Facilitate Intimate Partner Violence?
Do Macro Contexts of Women's Controllability Perpetuate Men's Control-Seeking and Facilitate Intimate Partner Violence?
Positive, Popular Art
Positive, Popular Art
Chamber of Commerce
Chamber of Commerce
Students - Traveling abroad: London, 2000s
Students - Traveling abroad: London, 2000s
