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6 items found in 2 collections [showing 1 - 6]
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Hyperspectral imaging for simultaneous measurements of two FRET biosensors in pancreatic β-cells.
Hyperspectral imaging for simultaneous measurements of two FRET biosensors in pancreatic β-cells.
bright cyan-excitable orange fluorescent protein facilitates dual-emission microscopy and enhances bioluminescence imaging in vivo.
bright cyan-excitable orange fluorescent protein facilitates dual-emission microscopy and enhances bioluminescence imaging in vivo.
Quantitative assessment of fluorescent proteins.
Quantitative assessment of fluorescent proteins.
Spindly is required for rapid migration of human cells.
Spindly is required for rapid migration of human cells.
Stereocilia-staircase spacing is influenced by myosin III motors and their cargos espin-1 and espin-like.
Stereocilia-staircase spacing is influenced by myosin III motors and their cargos espin-1 and espin-like.
Nanoscale architecture of cadherin-based cell adhesions.
Nanoscale architecture of cadherin-based cell adhesions.