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12 items found in collection [showing 1 - 12]
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Psychopathy and Offending
Psychopathy and Offending
School-Level Moderators of Genetic Influences on Antisocial Behaviors
School-Level Moderators of Genetic Influences on Antisocial Behaviors
Do Nutritional Factors Influence Externalizing Behavior during Early Childhood?
Do Nutritional Factors Influence Externalizing Behavior during Early Childhood?
Examining Positive Life Outcomes in the Face of Antisocial Traits
Examining Positive Life Outcomes in the Face of Antisocial Traits
Analyzing the Biosocial Selection into Life-Course Transitions
Analyzing the Biosocial Selection into Life-Course Transitions
Role of Gene-Environment Correlations during Early and Middle Childhood
Role of Gene-Environment Correlations during Early and Middle Childhood
Unpacking the Association between Callous-Unemotional Traits and Offending
Unpacking the Association between Callous-Unemotional Traits and Offending
Gene-Environment Interactions in the Prediction of Antisocial Phenotypes
Gene-Environment Interactions in the Prediction of Antisocial Phenotypes
Typologies of Violent Offenders and Their Role in Predicting Recidivism
Typologies of Violent Offenders and Their Role in Predicting Recidivism
Examining Gene-Environment Interactions Between Antisocial Behavior, Neighborhood Disadvantage, and Collective Efficacy
Examining Gene-Environment Interactions Between Antisocial Behavior, Neighborhood Disadvantage, and Collective Efficacy
Integrating Mainstream Criminological Theory into the Biosocial Perspective
Integrating Mainstream Criminological Theory into the Biosocial Perspective
Influence of Antisocial Behavior on the Life Course
Influence of Antisocial Behavior on the Life Course