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15 items found in collection [showing 1 - 15]
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Attaining Influence in Complex Governance Systems
Attaining Influence in Complex Governance Systems
Institutional Determinants of Legislative Behavior
Institutional Determinants of Legislative Behavior
Student Diversity in Higher Education
Student Diversity in Higher Education
School Principals' Perceptions
School Principals' Perceptions
Merit Aid, College Affordability, and Prestige
Merit Aid, College Affordability, and Prestige
Olympic Strategy of Downtown Atlanta Business Elites
Olympic Strategy of Downtown Atlanta Business Elites
Innovation Diffusion in Major League Baseball
Innovation Diffusion in Major League Baseball
Adoption of State Performance-Based Funding Policies in Higher Education
Adoption of State Performance-Based Funding Policies in Higher Education
How Geogebra Contributes to Middle Grade Algebra I Students' Conceptual Understanding of Functions
How Geogebra Contributes to Middle Grade Algebra I Students' Conceptual Understanding of Functions
Expanding Stem Pathways
Expanding Stem Pathways
Role of Public Preferences and Racial Sentiments in the Policy Process
Role of Public Preferences and Racial Sentiments in the Policy Process
Exploring Innovation Schools in South Korea Using Social Network Analysis
Exploring Innovation Schools in South Korea Using Social Network Analysis
Save Our Homes
Save Our Homes
Search for Supersymmetry in the Monophoton Final State at CMS at a Center of Mass Energy of 13 TeV
Search for Supersymmetry in the Monophoton Final State at CMS at a Center of Mass Energy of 13 TeV
Does Reform Lead to Success for All?
Does Reform Lead to Success for All?