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10 items found in collection [showing 1 - 10]
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Comparison of ECMWF and Quikscat-Derived Surface Pressure Gradients
Comparison of ECMWF and Quikscat-Derived Surface Pressure Gradients
Cyclogenesis and Tropical Transition in Frontal Zones
Cyclogenesis and Tropical Transition in Frontal Zones
Effects of Gap-Wind-Induced Vorticity, the Monsoon Trough, and the ITCZ on Tropical Cyclogenesis
Effects of Gap-Wind-Induced Vorticity, the Monsoon Trough, and the ITCZ on Tropical Cyclogenesis
Effects of Sea State on Offshore Wind Resourcing in Florida
Effects of Sea State on Offshore Wind Resourcing in Florida
Diagnostic Study of the Effects of Trough Interactions on Tropical Cyclone QPF
Diagnostic Study of the Effects of Trough Interactions on Tropical Cyclone QPF
Modeled Diurnally Varying Sea Surface Temperatures and Their Influence on Surface Heat Fluxes
Modeled Diurnally Varying Sea Surface Temperatures and Their Influence on Surface Heat Fluxes
Global and Regional Diagnostic Comparison of Air-Sea Flux Parameterizations during Episodic Events
Global and Regional Diagnostic Comparison of Air-Sea Flux Parameterizations during Episodic Events
Resolving the Diurnal and Synoptic Variance of Scatterometer Vector Wind          Observations
Resolving the Diurnal and Synoptic Variance of Scatterometer Vector Wind Observations
Uncertainty in Scatterometer-Derived Vorticity
Uncertainty in Scatterometer-Derived Vorticity
Determining the Error Characteristics of H*WIND
Determining the Error Characteristics of H*WIND