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7 items found in collection [showing 1 - 7]
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Measurement Of The Q(2) Dependence Of The Deuteron Spin Structure Function G(1) And Its Moments At Low Q(2) With Clas
Measurement Of The Q(2) Dependence Of The Deuteron Spin Structure Function G(1) And Its Moments At Low Q(2) With Clas
Target And Beam-target Spin Asymmetries In Exclusive Pi(+) And Pi(-) Electroproduction With 1.6-to 5.7-gev Electrons
Target And Beam-target Spin Asymmetries In Exclusive Pi(+) And Pi(-) Electroproduction With 1.6-to 5.7-gev Electrons
Exclusive Photoproduction Of Pi Degrees Up To Large Values Of Mandelstam Variables S, T, And U With Clas
Exclusive Photoproduction Of Pi Degrees Up To Large Values Of Mandelstam Variables S, T, And U With Clas
Semi-inclusive Pi(0) Target And Beam-target Asymmetries From 6 Gev Electron Scattering With Clas
Semi-inclusive Pi(0) Target And Beam-target Asymmetries From 6 Gev Electron Scattering With Clas
Target And Double Spin Asymmetries Of Deeply Virtual Pi(0) Production With A Longitudinally Polarized Proton Target And Clas
Target And Double Spin Asymmetries Of Deeply Virtual Pi(0) Production With A Longitudinally Polarized Proton Target And Clas
Target And Beam-target Spin Asymmetries In Exclusive Pion Electroproduction For Q(2) > 1 Gev2. I. Ep -> E Pi(+)n
Target And Beam-target Spin Asymmetries In Exclusive Pion Electroproduction For Q(2) > 1 Gev2. I. Ep -> E Pi(+)n
Target And Beam-target Spin Asymmetries In Exclusive Pion Electroproduction For Q(2) > 1 Gev2. Ii. Ep -> E Pi(0) P
Target And Beam-target Spin Asymmetries In Exclusive Pion Electroproduction For Q(2) > 1 Gev2. Ii. Ep -> E Pi(0) P