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6 items found in collection [showing 1 - 6]
  • CSV Spreadsheet
When Do Opportunity Costs Count?
When Do Opportunity Costs Count?
Effect of Different Types of Worked Examples on Student Learning and Transfer of a Problem Solving Task
Effect of Different Types of Worked Examples on Student Learning and Transfer of a Problem Solving Task
Impact of Yoga on Psychological Health in Older Adults
Impact of Yoga on Psychological Health in Older Adults
Effects of Part-Task and Whole-Task Instructional Approaches and Learner Levels of Expertise on Learner Performance of a Complex Cognitive Task
Effects of Part-Task and Whole-Task Instructional Approaches and Learner Levels of Expertise on Learner Performance of a Complex Cognitive Task
Effect of Assigned Achievement Goals, Self-Monitoring, Interest in the Subject          Matter, and Goal Orientations on Students' Computer Skill Achievement, Use of Learning          Strategies, and Computer Self-Efficacy Beliefs
Effect of Assigned Achievement Goals, Self-Monitoring, Interest in the Subject Matter, and Goal Orientations on Students' Computer Skill Achievement, Use of Learning Strategies, and Computer Self-Efficacy Beliefs
Individual Investor Reaction to the Earnings Expectations Path and Its          Components
Individual Investor Reaction to the Earnings Expectations Path and Its Components