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22 items found in 2 collections [showing 1 - 22]
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Interactive Effects of the Capability for Suicide and Major Depressive Episodes on Suicidal Behavior in a Military Sample.
Interactive Effects of the Capability for Suicide and Major Depressive Episodes on Suicidal Behavior in a Military Sample.
test of the interpersonal theory of suicide in a large sample of current firefighters.
test of the interpersonal theory of suicide in a large sample of current firefighters.
Characterizing Positive and Negative Emotional Experiences in Young Adults With Borderline Personality Disorder Symptoms.
Characterizing Positive and Negative Emotional Experiences in Young Adults With Borderline Personality Disorder Symptoms.
Investigating insomnia as a cross-sectional and longitudinal predictor of loneliness
Investigating insomnia as a cross-sectional and longitudinal predictor of loneliness
role of stressful life events preceding death by suicide
role of stressful life events preceding death by suicide
Cross-sectional and temporal association between non-suicidal self-injury and suicidal ideation in young adults
Cross-sectional and temporal association between non-suicidal self-injury and suicidal ideation in young adults
Insomnia and suicide-related behaviors
Insomnia and suicide-related behaviors
Thwarted Belongingness Mediates the Relationship between Fear of Negative Evaluation and Suicidal Ideation.
Thwarted Belongingness Mediates the Relationship between Fear of Negative Evaluation and Suicidal Ideation.
Does the timing of suicide risk assessments influence ratings of risk severity?
Does the timing of suicide risk assessments influence ratings of risk severity?
Autobiographical Memory Perspectives in Suicide Attempt and Task Recall
Autobiographical Memory Perspectives in Suicide Attempt and Task Recall
interpersonal theory of suicide
interpersonal theory of suicide
Personality Disorder Symptoms and Suicidality
Personality Disorder Symptoms and Suicidality
Does Suicidal Ideation Influence Memory? A Study of the Role of Violent Daydreaming in the Relationship Between Suicidal Ideation and Everyday Memory.
Does Suicidal Ideation Influence Memory? A Study of the Role of Violent Daydreaming in the Relationship Between Suicidal Ideation and Everyday Memory.
Role of Thwarted Belongingness and Perceived Burdensomeness in the Relationship between Violent Daydreaming and Suicidal Ideation in Two Adult Samples.
Role of Thwarted Belongingness and Perceived Burdensomeness in the Relationship between Violent Daydreaming and Suicidal Ideation in Two Adult Samples.
Do Undiagnosed Suicide Decedents Have Symptoms of a Mental Disorder?
Do Undiagnosed Suicide Decedents Have Symptoms of a Mental Disorder?
Sex Differences in Suicide-Related Symptoms in a Large Military Sample.
Sex Differences in Suicide-Related Symptoms in a Large Military Sample.
Role of Oxytocin
Role of Oxytocin
Increasing Research Productivity and Professional Development in Psychology With a Writing Retreat.
Increasing Research Productivity and Professional Development in Psychology With a Writing Retreat.
Deployment, Mental Health Problems, Suicidality, and Use of Mental Health Services Among Military Personnel.
Deployment, Mental Health Problems, Suicidality, and Use of Mental Health Services Among Military Personnel.
Validation of the Korean Depressive Symptom Inventory-Suicidality Subscale.
Validation of the Korean Depressive Symptom Inventory-Suicidality Subscale.
Is Insomnia Lonely? Exploring Thwarted Belongingness as an Explanatory Link between Insomnia and Suicidal Ideation in a Sample of South Korean University Students.
Is Insomnia Lonely? Exploring Thwarted Belongingness as an Explanatory Link between Insomnia and Suicidal Ideation in a Sample of South Korean University Students.
Thwarted belongingness as an explanatory link between insomnia symptoms and suicidal ideation
Thwarted belongingness as an explanatory link between insomnia symptoms and suicidal ideation